bleach soul of chaos revised unlimited

by Alex11234242
bleach soul of chaos revised unlimited
bleach soc revised looking for gm's captian's lietuants come join in [More]

Currently Unavailable

Latest Version
Date added: Aug 29 2007
Last updated: Sep 23 2007
Last played: Sep 23 2007
1 fan

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bleach soul of chaos revised

im going to be updating when i get time its my first bleach game so be fair im going to be adding gfx and stuff when i get time but not atm

owner: sky rider(alex11234242)

co owner: yamster/halfie(ataksuki)
Our Captains of the game

Squad Captain 1 [none]

Squad Captain 2 [none]

Squad Captain 3 [none]

Squad Captain 4 [none]

Squad Captain 5 [none]

Squad Captain 6 [none]

Squad Captain 7 [none]

Squad Captain 8 [none]

Squad Captain 9 [none]

Squad Captain 10 [none]

Squad Captain 11 [none]

Squad Captain 12 [none]

Squad Captain 13 [none]

other rules of the game:

1.No asking for GM and edits or harassing any admins period.
2.Do not kill new players or spawn kill.
3.No spamming the game or calling this game a rip cause its not!
4.Do not ask for the questions for shikai anyone caught giving out that info will be muted.
5.No AFK training allowed or using a auto program to train for you.
6.No bug abusing always report a bug or glitch to the forum or a admin/Gm online.
7.Always respect admins/Gms and othrer players in the game to make the game better.
8.Do not AFK kill or spam kill.
9.Do no fight over OOC
10.It's your fault if you remake GMs are not going to give you ranking bonuses again.
11.Do not copy and paste your stats over OOC.

come in and see hope to see you in the game best wishes
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also im well aware this game is a rip please dont come in and start saying things that are hopless.

the game is now at the next version and back on the real hub come and play and see if you have what it takes in the land of bleach

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