Mobile Suit Gundam

by AgentChuck
Mobile Suit Gundam
Includes everything from the first Gundam series till present. [More]

Currently Unavailable

Version 1.0
Date added: Jan 19 2011
Last updated: Feb 7 2011
Last played: Feb 8 2011
7 fans

Waiting List

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Hello there, you can call me Chuck.
I strive to make this the first Gundam game that actually goes live, in order to establish a large and loving community so we can all enjoy our favorite anime series here on BYOND.

The plan:
- Including all mobile suits and characters from the very first Mobile Suit Gundam series till now.
- A intriguing and exciting storyline that keeps you wanting more and more.
- A solid and fun PVP system, eventually arcing out to modes such as DM/TDM/CTG etc.
- A mission system so you can relive legendary moments such as the Pillar Break incident in Gundam OO with your teammates for points and experience.
- A unique leveling system with generous rewards each time you level up.
- Much more!

Coder: Chuck
Icon Artist: Chuck
Map Artist: Chuck

The game is now at a playable stage with 30+ suits, all I need now is a 24/7 lagless host with MSN who is prepared to restart it regularly (once a week minimum) since I'll be updating alot.
Add vpg26[@]hotmail[dot]com.