Wargames - Scores

Name # of Medals Infamy Nukes used
#941 Robosnake1 7 -100
#942 Tyrantis123 7 -5
#943 Zombieassinator 7
#944 Fhorestfire70 7 -100
#945 Bubba5444 7 -38
#946 ELIJAH 11 7 -5
#947 Brandonandpie 7 0
#948 Ehergiz 7
#949 Eepmeep 7 0
#950 Bradley208 7 -100
#951 Fuzzychip 7 -100
#952 CaptainChirps 7 12
#953 Ironjitsu 7 3
#954 BobisaRedSalamander 7 22 7
#955 Keybreaker16 7
#956 Drayton kid 7 0
#957 IllIll_Jeremy_IllIll 7 0
#958 Drakelor 7
#959 Dragoon989 7 0
#960 Kelly102 7 1
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