Two Towers

by Acebloke
Two Towers
[AMT] Game in a Day project for "Frost and Flame" [More]
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DreamDownload byond://Acebloke.TwoTowers##version=1

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Version Polished
Date added: Sep 21 2007
Last updated: Dec 1 2009
Last played: Jan 18 2014
2 fans

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This is a GIAD project, 22nd of September 2007.

It has the theme "Frost and Flame", which can give very different concepts to different developers depending on their mindset.

For me, the Ying Yang that Fire and Ice/Water can have was what I based this game on.

Come 18th of November 2009, it got its first update since the actual event. It has been polished up, to a degree and now holds alternative tower colours/elements, with the players being able to select which ever one they want regardless of whether the other player has it too.

Two Towers is now part of the "AceMedalTable" ! You can take part after gaining medals in this game by this link and following the instructions:

Recent Medals

Top of the Towers

Earned by Mastermatthew
Nov 13 2010, 3:46 pm

Play this Game

Earned by Mastermatthew
Nov 13 2010, 3:09 pm