Trench Wars

by Acebloke
Defend the Trenches [More]
To download this game for your Linux/Mac installation, enter this on your command line:

DreamDownload byond://Acebloke.TrenchWars##version=1

Emulator users, in the BYOND pager go to File | Open Location and enter this URL:


Version Concept Stage
Date added: Jun 15 2013
Last updated: Sep 23 2019
Last played: Oct 13 2016
35 fans
Part of the Wargames Complete Pack.

Try out this concept game following the Wargames design. Trench Wars is a Tower Defence game in the making. 13/08/13 update shows a basic wave setup with two basic towers, an upgrade system and difficulty settings.

More updates to follow at a later stage.


PopLava: (Sep 27 2013, 5:01 pm)
Yeah... my day job pays a gross ton more than I could ever make on BYOND with half baked games but I still enjoy tinkering. :)

My suggestion to you is to open it wide open unless you stand to really (significantly) profit. Turn it into a hobby instead of a failing business (not saying you it is... just an expression). The hobby justification is a hard sell to others while "the trying business" seems more socially accepting. :) Just rambling as I try to get turrets working with the new client side transforms.
Acebloke: (Sep 27 2013, 4:54 pm)
Yeah, I really should make a better system for it to say why.

Honestly? Lately no. I've been dropping off BYOND because real life job ultimately pays hundred times better. This game is just a concept more than anything, an extra to the other benefits (extra features to Wargames 1+2, additional game Chrono Wars). Its not worth paying the subscription on its own.

Its the wrong way round logic I know, but Chrono Wars is an actual game, not Trench Wars (you can also join servers without getting kicked out).
PopLava: (Sep 27 2013, 4:50 pm)
How about an alert box? Do you really make enough money to justify the restrictions? Real question.
Acebloke: (Sep 27 2013, 3:54 pm)
You need subscription to Wargames Complete Pack, it'll kick you out otherwise. Link is in first post.

I would have ticked "must subscribe to download" but that would mean having to manually edit half a dozen hub pages everytime someone subscribed.
PopLava: (Sep 26 2013, 7:56 pm)
Failing at startup with latest 500.1209 build.

runtime error: bad client
proc name: Go (/proc/Go)
usr: PopLava (/mob)
src: null
call stack:
PopLava (/mob): Login()