Geekdash - Scores

Name Level Moves
#18 Foomer 22 133
#17 Tiberath 23 142
#16 Deidara61 23 142
#15 Noahlow 23 151
#14 Chancey455 23 150
#13 Saeba.Ryo 23 143
#12 Bandock 23 136
#11 Zaole 25 152
#10 Megachill10000 25 156
#9 NarutoBleach 25 24
#8 Ds123 25 184
#7 SeductiveWhore 25 155
#6 Lord Ulquiorra 25 158
#5 The Assassinator 26 187
#4 Guest-3901438604 27 174
#3 Mastermatthew 28 189
#2 Acebloke 29 190
#1 C_Dawg_S 32 197
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