Dreamland Universe

by Acebloke
Create an Entire Universe [More]
To download this game for your Linux/Mac installation, enter this on your command line:

DreamDownload byond://Acebloke.Dreamland##version=3

Emulator users, in the BYOND pager go to File | Open Location and enter this URL:


Version Systems and Moons+
Date added: Jul 9 2010
Last updated: Sep 23 2019
Last played: Jun 26 2016
28 fans

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From the second demo test onwards, anyone who donates have the chance, if they so wish for advanced access. Right now that means being able to play through the entire Start game and what little exists so far of the Mid game.

Demo for everyone else includes only the option to view creations (Universe model supplied in folder), until more content can be provided.


My super-secret-project for several months now, Dreamland began as an idea as a Graphical Multi-User-Dungeon. You'd create your races (Humans, Dwarfs, Elves), the land and seas they live and travel on, the settlements they sleep in, and then play in it.

Then I thought, why stop there? Why not create the planet, evolve those races, build those settlements, heck, even build the mountains and oceans.

Then I thought (dumbly) why stop there? Why not create an entire Solar system, or a local cluster, a galaxy, a Universe?

So now I have a game that creates a Universe, builds stars, builds planets, and THEN starts on Life. If it gets into a fit state, I might even release it.


CBDove4: (Nov 10 2013, 3:20 pm)
Ok, thanks. I will see if I can donate.
Acebloke: (Nov 9 2013, 8:25 am)
Hi there. I only ask for a donation (a button is available at the top of this topic or on the front hub page) at the moment.

The download version is an old, but stable version. I'm working on a BYOND 5.0 version in my spare time but will be awhile before it 'replaces' this one. There might be a flat fee when that happens too (anyone who has or will donate before then won't have to pay again).

Thanks for your interest.
CBDove4: (Oct 29 2013, 3:29 pm)
Where can I Subscribe to dreamland universe?
Spl99: (Nov 1 2012, 6:36 am)
When will the public version be released?
Joshuaxz: (Nov 23 2011, 3:50 pm)
I understand and I'm not one of those people who complain much but since I can't afford to donate at the moment I will just wait for now. Good job so far, I look forward to the public version.
