Harry Potter - Voldemort Returns

Live your own "Harry Potter" with 32 spells from the book, enchantments, transfiguration, potions, teachers, secret passages and more! [More]

Currently Unavailable

Version 2.00 Beta
Date added: Mar 5 2006
Last updated: Aug 12 2007
Last played: Aug 29 2008
5 fans

Waiting List

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Welcome to Harry Potter - The Dark Lord Returns.

This is a role playing game of the classic Harry Potter series. For a long time this game has been static. I had given up on it. Though now, after some convincing, I have decided to work and update it again.

All the information is on the forums, so register today.

Currently I am the only person working on this project, and that is the way it's going to stay. If you wish to look at the updates currently being worked on or apply for a position in the game, register on the forums today.


Grandpa111: (Jun 19 2009, 11:02 am)
Can I be DADA teacher I would be willing to teach people magic like expecto patronum.