Shinigami Saga

by 478975
Shinigami Saga
New original Bleach game,Come see Bleach as Bleach should be! [More]

Currently Unavailable

Version Beta
Date added: Jul 8 2010
Last updated: Jan 7 2017
Last played: Jan 9 2017
160 fans

[Extras] [Bonus features]

Waiting List

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Owner and Coder:478975
Current Iconners: WANTED

*Special Thanks to past major contributions by
Takedown,Tpenglase, and XXXxJokerxXXX

You break out of Aizen's laboratory and into the world of the living.You don't have any memories of who you were or what you were doing. As you help the crime-infested city you wind up in get back on it's feet, you slowly discover who you really are. You can part-take on your journeys alone or with friends, but just when you think it's has only begun. There is a man pulling the strings to everything -A man that must be stopped.

  • It's RP,PvP,PvE,and a Card Game on the side all in one
  • Over 15 Kido Spells
  • Cool new races like Fullbringer
  • Different unique moves for each class
  • Fun and engaging storylines
  • Cool Events and Arena
  • Buy and Customize your own House
  • Unlockable Bosses(like KENPACHI)
  • Big Explorable worlds(like Hell World)
  • Anime and Custom Ressurecions and Shikai/Bankai
  • Unique SS Fan Trading Card Game

-Captain Commander
-Captain of squad 2
-Captain of squad 3
-Captain of squad 4
-Captain of squad 5
-Captain of squad 6
-Captain of squad 7
-Captain of squad 8
-Captain of squad 9
-Captain of squad 10
-Captain of squad 11
-Captain of squad 12
-Captain of squad 13
-Espada Leader

-Excution Leader
-Excution Member#1
-Excution Member#2
-Excution Member#3
-Excution Member#4
-Excution Member#5


478975: (Jan 7 2017, 3:14 pm)
Update 1/7/17: Missions modified. Map content added. Grammar rework.
Update to come: Quincy Tower(A dungeon of sorts and home for Quincies)
Blasterdark64: (Sep 23 2013, 5:06 am)
Hey once this games updates more then will more players join
Senganchi: (Jun 21 2013, 5:05 pm)
i know that. i know to click the ok button but after i do, nothing happens and the ok popup doesnt go away
478975: (Jun 20 2013, 3:23 pm)
Hi there Senganchi!

After clicking ok it will let you choose you race and class. I encourage you to try again.

Enjoy Shinigami Saga!
Senganchi: (Jun 18 2013, 2:08 pm)
hell i cant even get past the start screen when i try to hit ok on the welcome to the game pop up it doesnt go away and im stuck at the main menu