Since the SVN someone set up for me to use went down, and is still down, I'll for not just periodically upload the source file.
Not open source technically, but for now it is the best I can do.
Here it is.
All the important parts are fully commented. Other parts are not, but they don't really need to be.
None of the code is particularly complex, but will need a decent understanding of BYOND to make use of.
And just to make sure people are reading what I write, and not just clicking link for free source, the libraries needed to compile this are included at the end of the post.
The game is more likely buggy, But it is not finished yet, deal with it. I will fix bugs as I find them.
Again, this is not technically open source. But any contributions are welcomed.
The game is still up for testing, but will be going down once I finish the final 3 classes and test them. Which I expect to be done by Mondayish.
Can test there.
In other news. I recently started on a small side project. Nothing big or serious. Just something to keep me focused, working on the same project too much can be draining.
The basic game is simple, it is a competitive mining simulator. At the moment 2 player, possibly 3-4 player though. You pick a race of miners and start with a team of 4-5 of them (each with their own strengths/weaknesses).
You do not directly control the miners, but issue them simple commands (walk left, dig right and so on). They are however very, very dumb, and if you say walk right, they will walk right even if that means walking into lava.
The objective of the game is to win by mining a certain amount of minerals. Alternatively, you can win by killing the other players miners.
If you have ever played Diggers ( ). It is basically the same game as this.
Picture of what I have so far can be found here
I don't know if I will finish this, but if I do, I don't expect it to take more than a month.
Libraries needed are LummoxJR.DmiFontsPlus, Deadron.Quest and Deadron.TextHandling.
![]() Aug 7 2010, 7:02 am
![]() Aug 7 2010, 7:10 am
What's with all the mining games coming out recently?
Jeff8500 wrote:
What's with all the mining games coming out recently? Mining is up there on the manliness scale. For all us people who do not even register on the manliness scale, it is a way of making us feel better about ourselves. Obviously. |