![]() Oct 2 2012, 4:57 am (Edited on Oct 2 2012, 2:57 pm)
The Wizards Chronicles was more than a game. TWC allowed us to express our love for Harry Potter and meet amazing people who will stay with us for a lifetime. Started by Ragnarok and reinvented by Murrawhip the game accomplished wonders over the years and became a place many of us looked forward to going to. A place to catch up with friends, listen to the radio, learn a new spell, duel out all the drama and so much more. All great things come to an end and as the Harry Potter movies concluded, TWC began its conclusion as well. The game may be gone, but it lives on in all of us. It lives on when we remember the times both good and bad that shaped the game and in turn shaped who we are today. It will never die because its spirit lives on. I thank Murrawhip for his unbelievable effort on the game over the past few years. I also thank every GM or player who helped make the game what it was for me as a player. Long live TWC. -Lucifer |
TWC was a long journey for all of us. Many senior members of the community started playing when they were young and still growing, and stay until the day the project went to rest.
Over the years TWC has encountered quite the handful of successes and has also been through even the most extreme of conditions. However it lived on and surfaced time and time again, purging forward on it's journey that left it's mark on this community. When I started playing Byond in 2007, I wasn't a TWC player. In fact, I was it's competitors player. The only regret that I have with TWC is the sad fact that I never got involved sooner to experiences the joys of it's community. TWC isn't just a game. TWC was and still is considered a home to most of the players who've been around a while, and even inhabited newer players into the community that also had fallen for it's roomy essence. TWC may be gone now, but it thrives in all of us in memory and shines just as bright as it did yesterday. Long live TWCs name, and praise to it's community! |
TWC, where do I start...
It was the people. They all had their stories in this game. How they got here, what they accomplished. There was my beginning, watching that trailer, logging in having no idea what I was getting myself into. I had accomplish nothing, and I really wanted to do something great for a game like this. During my time on I was constantly surprised at how great the community was, even if they weren't the "good" of the community. There were troublemakers like Casimir, Malokh, and Vsevolod (his brother, remember that). There were player shops being introduced like The Wizarding Oz (Kai's), Borgin & Burkes (Therion Greyback and Odd's), and Three Scarves (Matt and Mike hagerman). There were good people like Sara Whoop (and all the other Whoops), Chrissy, Sev, Dean, Dazz, Zen, Sylar, Markus, and many, many more. There were "interesting" players too, like Yellow Scarf (I wanna wear him!!!), Lavitz, and Kai, there will always be others though ;). There were GM's with amazing personalities like Demonic, Rotem, Tobias (I keep thinking his last name is Cauldwell, from a book?), Odd, Ash, and Ezekiel (sorry if I missed any from the days I was on). There were people that just I never met too, and people that I never got to know. In the end, I joined Aurors, got to know people, helped people out, did MagDeluxe with Sev and Dazz, fought the DE, (and blew open the door open to the ministry, hehe). There were many things I didn't do to the fullest in TWC, that maybe I should have done when I had the chance. And even though I only played for 4 months, I will always remember those good memories of the friendships I made on it. Long live Harry Potter, long live TWC, long live the community, long live Murrawhip! -Skystone P.S. I owe Sev 150k.... |
Ah the memories on here...the one day I decided to play again is the same day I learn that it's closed. Such is the way is life (And my luck as it seems). My one regret was that I spent a little to much time as a mushroom and not talking to people more often...
I will miss TWC. all the friends I made. Flirting with Sev, Ash, and Murra. getting my butt whooped at house wars,FFA, and other events. my only regret is that I was never online to take the owls and graduate to become an auror. Cheers.
~Samantha |
Thank you TWC, I have made good friends and had great experiences here, long live TWC ~ I'll keep in touch!`-Zen
Though I'm mostly associated with it's competition (founded during a time when TWC development had essentially stopped), TWC is a place with good memories for me. Between time spent teaching, running a (short-lived) quiddich team, leading the Aurors, and just hanging out, it'll always have a special place in my heart. -Max Quickstaff |
It seems to me that everyone on the community is heartbroken, including me. I made so many friends on TWC, made a couple acquaintances, couple enemies, and 1 love. TWC has been a haven for me, and I'm truly going to miss the game, and I hope that someday, for some reason, Mr. Murraclewhip finds the source, works on it to make it hostable, and brings it back to life, and hopefully the TWC community won't be gone, and everyone will see it's back up. Slim to none chance of it, but eh, might as well wish for the best.
To my friends of TWC : I hope you all are doing well. All I can say is hopefully you guys aren't going to just forget about BYOND and never login again. There are thousands of games to play, and HPANF is our sub for TWC right now. Head on over and play with your friends, because right now, I don't see many of you guys anymore, and I'd like to login at least once with the same amount that TWC used to have and not just me and Demo hanging in the corner talking to himself xD Be good guys, and keep strong. ~Markus~ |
Not nearly enough stuff about me in this thread nor video. I r disappoint. Anyway. To avoid posting my skype in a public fourm such as this (Because we all know how popular I am and what not, lollercakes) I'll try to have luc setup a way for people to get one anothers information such as skype/msn and have it so if certain people want to keep in touch with other certain people without having to deal with OTHER certain people (lavitiz -.-) we might be able to do something about it.
I wasn't NERELY expecting a reply that fast. Wtf are you doing awake anyway? Go to bed.
Lavitiz im starting to think your stalking my byond post or are getting instant e-mail notifications about this thread. Either way its scary so stop it. </3
That is the.....err.....rain? Yeah! The rain......It's raining cats & dogs!
Something about TWC that simply addictive to many of us...
And I thank you, Murrawhip & the GMs for making my stay there the best experience I've ever had.
And now if you would excuse me, I'm off to continue cryin...err...I mean....searching a new game....
Signed by,
Ravenclaw - Amy Tsukiakari
Slytherin - AmyTsuki
;) T_T