It's more relevent to post it here.
Shades said:
"BTW I want to make this perfectly clear, I can possibly understand how you might be upset...
But you are making this out to be something truely terrible. And it isn't. It is a 15 min cut off of a school lunch. When I was going to school we only spet 15 mins actully eating, the rest of the time we were goofing off.
This isn't someone being murdered, or a child being raped or anything else unthinkable, this is simply a school trying to change its hours.
It is no where as evil as you try to make it out to be.
Drama Queen."
My reply:
Shades, the length of lunchtime is more than just a sum of it's parts. Yes, it's 15 minutes off lunch break, and 5 minutes added to 3 of our lessons. But that 15 minutes gave us time to do:
- interhouse sports
- clubs, groups
- special activities
- time to do coursework/work with or without teacher supervision
If the changes were put in place, they'd be impossible to do.
It's a lot more than just 15 minutes.
Essentially they are shortening the lunch time because some children cannot behave properly during lunch-time. So what we see here, is the head depriving the entirety of the students and staff extra time to do work, sports matches between houses, and everything else (and there is quite a lot!), because some chavs cannot behave properly.
Yep, that's right. Punish the whole to stop a few, instead of targetting them directly (with harsher punishments, for instance).
It's pretty much a quitter's option, a coward's option. We're getting screwed over!
Oh, and did you try telling Che Guevara that he's a "Drama Queen"? :p
![]() Mar 18 2006, 3:23 am (Edited on Mar 18 2006, 3:29 am)
![]() Mar 18 2006, 5:46 am
Haha, go Elle !
Lunchtime = time to do school work when you have to work after school. It's quite important.
Lunchtime is more than just a time for lunch, contrary to what it's name may suggest. It's the time when all of the school's social events/clubs take place, and as Kunark said, provides valuable working time.
Plus we aren't allowed to chase Budgie or headbutt Luke in lesson time (we do anyway, but my point still stands).
Well, I am sorry to say all of our social events were always taken at the end of the school day, or after school (I should say school social events.)
Any personal social events needed to be taken out side of school. In my school clubs were either held after school, or the bigger ones actully had a class for it. So I still don't see any point in all of it, except to cause some trouble. And you made it clear already you want to. We also had study hall at my school, where as long as you didn't fire a gun off or light some girls hair on fire (the later happened once) they don't care what you do. The teacher just sits at their desk and reads a book. And I don't know who the fuck Che Guevara is. |
I don't have a study hall. I have 5 minutes between class. I have a 25 minute lunch. <:(
Too bad for you then I guess. I never actully did any home work outside of the class room.
If I couldn't finish it during class, it wasn't worth finishing. I still graduated, but my GPA might disagree. =/ |
Elation and like I said I still understand where your coming from and I see your point. But you are still making it out to be a much bigger thing then it actully is.
Full school punishments have been done before. Your going to have to deal with it. It has happened in my school already, and it bascilly makes all the innocent kids get pissed off at the guility kids, and in a sense, forces the students to deal with the trouble makers in your own group. Why haven't you tried that? There was a while where at my school kids were so lazy they were throwing the trays away, so the school converted to paper plates. And it sucked really bad. Then I got a job as stock boy at the High School Lunch room. But the best part was, that estenally made me part of the school staff, and during lunch hours I could use that authourity. Id catch kids throwing trays away, or throwing their trays on the floors and Id catch the bastards, shout at them in front of everyone and then make them clean it up. If I wasn't feeling too much like a prick, I wouldn't give them a detention. Needless to say I gave out quite a few detentions during lunch. 4 months after that a lot less kids were throwing the trays away, or throwing food at one another cause they knew I was watching them. I can't say how it is now though. |
Shades said:
So I still don't see any point in all of it, except to cause some trouble. And you made it clear already you want to. Well no shit. It's not a revolution without some trouble. ;) Full school punishments have been done before. Your going to have to deal with it. Or, we could stand up against it and actually get treated properly. It's clear this is basically the headteacher trying to make his egotistical mark on the school- change for the sake of change. It has happened in my school already, and it bascilly makes all the innocent kids get pissed off at the guility kids, and in a sense, forces the students to deal with the trouble makers in your own group. It seems like a good idea, but then again the problem stems from the people it is trying (and failing) to target. The trouble makers, those that get into fights with other trouble makers. Are you seriously suggesting that we try and gang up on kids that would beat the shit through us? :p No chance. Essentially I do see where you are coming from and to an extent see the sense in what you are saying. I just choose to disagree. :) |
Essentially they are shortening the lunch time because some children cannot behave properly during lunch-time. So what we see here, is the head depriving the entirety of the students and staff extra time to do work, sports matches between houses, and everything else (and there is quite a lot!), because some chavs cannot behave properly. well they need a schedule that works well for the majority of the people. perhaps you could learn an entire days lesson in 30 minutes but the class is 40 minutes long. those spare 10 minutes you have could be better spent, but you're forced to stay in that class because "some chavs" can't learn as fast as you. the rules are the same for everyone because its easier to design rules that work well for the majority of the people as opposed to making a different set of rules for each individual student. i'm sure if you really cared so passionately about those 15 minutes that you'd find some other time to work on whatever important things you have to work on. |
OFD, the people causing the problem aren't a majority, they're a minority. Ultimately the head is going about it in the wrong way anyway.
it still stands: if you really cared about those 15 minutes you'd find some other 15 minutes in the day to do those very important activities.
talk about making an argument out of nothing |
w/e, OFD. You're just the kind of corrupt official that I am rebelling against. >:|
_> |
Sorry Elation. he has a good point.
If they had changed the rules before you started school, you would have never noticed. You're just getting upset because you're not happy with the change, but the change is necessary and your opinion is unimportant in the long run. He has a point :) |