

by SilkWizard

ProeliumProelium is a class-based action game that takes place in a medieval setting. It is a BYOND classic that was created by SilkWizard many years ago.

The graphics are simplistic but they do a good job of representing your class, team, and what actions you're taking.

Players part of two to four teams (red, blue, green, yellow) face each other using a wide array of fantasy-inspired classes to accomplish various goals depending on the game mode.

Each class has a unique set of four abilities and serves a different role for the team. The classes are: Knight, Ranger, Thief, Pyrotechnic, Carpenter, Wizard, Healer, Necromancer, and Alchemist.

The various game modes include:
  • Invasion, where players must capture a number of points to win the game.
  • Orb, where players must capture the enemy's orb not unlike capture the flag.
  • Point Capture - where players must hold control over a number of points to win the game.
  • War, a team-based free-for-all where every kill counts towards winning the game!

A large selection of maps is available for each game mode.

Players may purchase a lifetime subscription to the game for $5, which will net them five additional classes (the Druid, Hunter, Supplier, Warlock, and Archmage), as well as a custom map editor that allows you to create and upload your own maps.


[Click to expand the screenshots in a new window.]


Proelium II

by Silk Games

Proelium IIProelium II is a class-based action game and is the sequel to SilkWizard's Proelium. Unlike its predecessor, it features a futuristic setting.

The graphics have been upgraded from the first game, with teams now being represented by appropriately coloured icons rather than an indicator around the player.

Gameplay and presentation has been streamlined to feature two teams (red and blue), three game modes, and eight classes.

As with Proelium, each class serves a different role on the team and comes equipped with a set of three abilities. The new classes are: Advanced Infantry, Assassin, Combat Medic, Demolition Droid, Engineer, Mech Knight, Reanimator, and Volt Master.

Three game modes return from Proelium and more or less function the same:
  • Orb, a capture the flag style mode. Take hold of the enemy's orb and bring it back to your base.
  • Point, where players must capture a number of points by standing near them.
  • War, a team deathmatch style mode. Murder eachother for points!

Proelium II offers a new selection of maps, though it features classics such as Shrenwold.

As with the original, Proelium II features the ability to purchase a lifetime subscription for $5. Doing so gives access to four additional classes, each offering a new playstyle. They are: Hacker, Scout Bot, Sniper, and the mystical Zee Warrior.


Proelium IIProelium IIProelium IIProelium II
Proelium IIProelium IIProelium IIProelium II
[Click to expand the screenshots in a new window.]


Also just a quick apology about the "You have news!" spam. I had a bit of a failure to launch on my first attempt with this.

Anyways, I decided I'd feature both Proelium games as they're both quite similar, and also quite good. :)
Never tried either of these; suppose it cant hurt to give them a try!
I have a 24/7 up with Proelium II since there was lacking one.
People will be able to play until I figure it is down or not.

I never played this, and yet I liked it. The lack of quality graphics has nothing to do with how fun it is.

You peeps have never played Proelium??

Mang, you've been missing out. Get 6+ people on a Proelium server and you're in for a lotta fun, I can tell you.
Haha Indeed, the time recording the video was fun enough.
I don't know if LA re-recorded it? o.O
Awesome game feature, LordAndrew.
These were two of the bigger games that the BYONDcast hosted for the livestreams! (:
Never played or heard any of these games o.o. I'll try it out though!
I'm suprised no one here has tried Proelium. Makes me feel like an old player on BYOND. Anyways, I prefer Proelium 1 over 2.
2 games in a month. MADNESS
I think you meant to say COOLNESS.
Also: byond://
This is the server that I am hosting until the next month so people can play Proelium II, I will put another server for Proelium later. Most likely when I feel like it.
I, luv proelium :D

Proelium 1 and 2 4 lyf
So do we have a game of the month for November or are we boycotting November?
In response to Kumorii
My personal life has been a massive disarray, so I never found the time to find a game write an article about it for November. I'll try my best to get one out for December.