I'm doing pretty well really, got a pay rise at work last month, brother got married, my nephew bullies the hell out of me :P and probably a lot of other things i can't remember.
My house
I just recently woke up to a newly fitted swimming pool in my bedroom :O so yeah my room is completely flooded and i wont be able to go back in it for more than 4 weeks!! :(
I even drew a lovely picture of it lol.

I've also been playing some Evil internet game called "Runescape" again!, one of those unique games you end up going back to no matter what! well i have a lovely collection of items at least.

As some fellow Anime fans might know, I'm "quite" keen on my anime.
So i would suggest Sword Art Online which in my opinion.. is a very good Anime set about a futuristic MMORPG where they must complete the game to return to real life, or die in the game and in real life.

Ah, also a brand new season of Gintama is about to start ^^.
While i have not been active, I have still come online 2 or 3 times a week so i haven't been to far away, and i've still been visiting the Byond site to see how things are going.
But yeah i doubt anyone worried, but im sure it'll be nice to hear from some of you again :)
Sooo How is Byond doing these days and how are you doing :D?