Thursday, July 29, 2010
We have a poll for all of you this week. Awhile back, EnigmaticGallivanter interviewed Tom and asked about giving us email addresses. Tom said it could happen if there is a demand for it. So, we thought it would be a good idea to make a poll in which we asked a question regarding that. Would you want an email address? Answer above!
On The Front Page
Medal Metal Arena
Vermolius wrote a blog post about a game he's working on called Medal Metal Arena. The idea of the game is to support other games that employ the use of medals.
The basic concept, as seen in his blog post, is that it "will be played similar to other BYOND Arena style games. Fight enemies, get stronger, fight stronger enemies." However, there's a slight twist to what's going on here. You are actually building your fighting robot out of waste that you find in piles. Each pile is named after another BYOND game that supports medals. The more medals you have in that game, the better luck you have finding good parts.
It seems he'll be using the same idea as his library that he made called MedalData, which can tell you what medals a player has in all of BYOND's games, on one game. Vermolius made a quick statement about the artwork he'll be using: "Since I'm doing art, and programming for the project, I'll have to stick to this simple scope--especially since the art still takes me forever."
In Other News
BYOND Journalism News
We've had two interviews over the past week. The latest one just came out yesterday. It's an interview of Folak by Ryan Deux.
The other interview that came out, came out five days ago. It's the interview with Lummox JR by EnigmaticGallivanter.
The Magic Man's Testing
The Magic Man wrote a blog post about the testing of his RPG, Generiquest. As I'm writing this, in fact, it's actually still live and ready for more testing.
The Magic Man also wrote a progression report one day earlier from his latest blog post about the testing in which he talks a little more about what he's updated and what's to be tested.
ACWraith's Been Active!
ACWraith actually made a few blog posts in the last week, the first of which talks about him getting an ear infection. I can personally relate to this because I've had an ear infection for the past week or so. Gladly, it's going away. ACWraith also made a post about him revising the rules for Grim Prospects (the card version).
What really stood out this past week in ACWraith's updates were the updates he gave on his new shooter game. It seems he's been working a lot on background stories, which can be a good thing, but hasn't done much tangible work besides making some animated projectiles. I personally still look forward to seeing more progress on this shooter of his. It definitely looks interesting!
Mickemoose wrote a post about his game Rage. He's made some updates, including new areas to go in to. You can now leave the house into the font yard, and even into the street in front of your house to find more things to make you rage!
Mickemoose also made a post in his forums asking for suggestions on things to add to Rage. So far, there haven't been many suggestions at all.
Kajika's New DMO
Kajika recently announced that he is discontinuing the old Duel Monsters Online game he was working on. Instead, he's making a new one from scratch.
The new DMO looks a lot like actually playing the card game. You see the card in front of you as they would be on a table. Definitely looks like something different. Lufia made a post on applying for testing sessions for the new DMO.
CalusCoRPS made a blog post in which he introduced MOLE, his new game he's working on. He's really improved on it since the first proof-of-concept demo he came out with for MOLE. Now it seems he's turning it into "[his] first polished game".
MOLE, as of now, is a simple demo in which you, the mole, dig paths through the ground. He adds liquids (slime) in the ground which moves around as you open up the passages and let it flow through. It also even features cave-ins. Calus stats that his "goal would most likely be to create some sort of strategy-action hybrid where you must manage your resources and focus on base construction, similar to a RTS".
BYOND Applications Is Alive
National Guardsmen decided to revive BYOND Applications in a recent post for the guild. The original intent of this guild was to "stir up development of Applications" using DM, which would then be displayed and probably reviewed for all to see in the guild. The guild, however, seemed to die down and lie dormant.
National Guardsmen wants to get developers to bring some more ideas to the table in terms of applications, and probably the guild. He also laid down the requirements in order for an application to get accepted into the guild.
NEStalgia's Gear Binding
Silkwizard recently announced a gear binding system for his hit RPG, NEStalgia. He said that he had "been debating whether or not to implement a gear binding system into NEStalgia since day one". Now he says that he's planning on adding it in.
Silkwizard gives some screenshots on what the "Soulbound equipment" will look like in-game. He also gives a rundown on how they will work. Silkwizard also announced at the bottom that he is moving to Seattle and will be missing in action for a couple of weeks.
Mining Adventure
Forum_account made a forum post about a mining game he's working on. It's definitely very interesting. The game uses a custom pixelized movement system and has you digging in to the ground. Be careful, though! You'll run out of oxygen if you stay under too long. Definitely something to check out.
The Big Five
BYOND Action
Ganing made a BYOND Action post in which he announced the return of his game, Dynasty Warriors: Feudal Wars. Ganing is also asking for suggestions. So read the post and give some suggestions of what you would like to see in his game!
In other BYOND Action news, the second round of Character Battle! is underway. The winner of the first battle was the SkyWurm, and this week's battle is a Tank from Tanks versus a Bolo from Lode Wars. Vote for who you think will win the battle!
BYOND Anime has been pretty active lately. Good to see! Mista Dougie had an interview with Stephen001, the guild-master of BYOND Anime. The interview brought up questions about Stephen001, BYOND Anime, and things dealing with events going on that could bring some publicity to BYOND.
Perfectgoku made a post about an anime that you've probably not heard of. Fitting thing to do in BYOND Anime. I actually found it to be kind of interesting, personally.
Lastly, Albro1 made a post called Helpful Tips for Programmers. He talks about leveling up and stats.
BYOND Casual
Ryan Deux started a Game of the Month for BYOND Casual. The Game of the Month for July is Feval.
Still no word on BYOND Casual's leadership. They are still, in my knowledge, without a guild-master. Mikau seems to be having some trouble finding competent people that actually want to take the job.
No new news concerning BYOND RPG. If you have news concerning BYOND RPG at all, be sure to tell Mikau so that he can put it in the news section of the front page.
BYOND Strategy
Keeping up with the latest Tech Tree? Not a Tech Tree reader? Along The Tech Tree is ACWraith's weekly BYOND Strategy update post in which he gives all the news you could ever want concerning BYOND Strategy! Check out the latest one!
That's it for this week's BYOND Weekly. The poll counts as the special segment for this week, even though it isn't really a segment. But there will be other polls at random weeks. See you next week!
Got more news? Did I miss anything? Want anything to be on here next week? Page me or email me via [email protected] and give me something tangible. If you do, you'll probably see it on next week's issue. If I missed anything, I'll add it in as soon as possible
This issue of BYOND Weekly is brought to you by Loneliness*
Thanks, Loneliness!
*No one suffered from loneliness in the making of this issue of BYOND Weekly
**Here's your time machine, F0lak. If you can pay for it, that is. Mua ha ha ha.
Poll: Would you want an email address?
Login to vote.
Really enjoying these weekly's, something i wanna know how come you can find all this info. Yet the BYOND staff couldn't when they did that digest thing?
I want the email only if it costs an extra $2 - $5 a year. It'll benefit Tom a lot, as well as give us a fancy new email address.
Can't wait for more BYOND Action and Casual news. Medal Metal sounds great. |
I'm glad to see these posts keep coming. Also of note is that this week's article had quite a bit of content I missed throughout the week. Keep up the good work, and thanks for the spot.
Yes Email Address would be awesome please do so Tom!
I demand you to do it! NAO! Thank you ^^ |
I personally think the email address stuff should be kept reserved for official business. If anything it would be -- but it wouldn't be a simple task, the current mail server isn't even remotely setup to handle being a mainstream mail service.
I already have an address and I can't even use it because the server has horrible spam fighting systems. I think the same is said for everyone else using them. |
I'm indifferent on the BYOND email ordeal. I'm fine with using AIM and Hotmail, though a third email for whatever purpose (Probably one that doesn't contain 10,000+ emails of spam and junk) would be nice.
No mention of Forum_Account's Miner Adventure? I thought it was pretty interesting.
Thanks for reminding me, Ulterior. I forgot to search around the forums this time. It's been added.
Fugsnarf wrote:
Thanks for reminding me, Ulterior. I forgot to search around the forums this time. It's been added. Thanks for adding it! There was a blog post about it but it didn't have screenshots. Most of the posts you link to had pictures. Now we know what gets your attention =) |
Forum_account wrote:
Most of the posts you link to had pictures. Now we know what gets your attention =) Whether it be pictures, links, anything tangible really. That, or if the post is very detailed and/or talks about something interesting. I just forgot to search around the forums this time. I'll be sure to remember next time. |
Rickoshay wrote:
Really enjoying these weekly's, something i wanna know how come you can find all this info. Yet the BYOND staff couldn't when they did that digest thing? We did. Except the digest was in the winter, when traffic is down by 40% on the summer. |
Nadrew wrote:
I personally think the email address stuff should be kept reserved for official business. If anything it would be -- but it wouldn't be a simple task, the current mail server isn't even remotely setup to handle being a mainstream mail service. Have you considered using gmail for your email services? As long as you've got less than 50 users, it's free. Unless you're ultra concerned with Google looking at your data, it works great. I did that when I set up my dad's website. |
Stephen001 wrote:
We did. Except the digest was in the winter, when traffic is down by 40% on the summer. Are you saying that winter traffic is down by 40% compared to summer or that summer traffic is down by 40% compared to winter? I'd assume the prior due to the context of your statement alone but one can never be certain with such ambiguity. |
Vermolius wrote:
Stephen001 wrote: The former. Summer brings school holidays, and a boon for traffic. |
Kidding, I probably still will. Nice work.