LSSJ Chris sent a msg to everyone on the page.
Read this:

Is a subcription package go againts earning money over copyrighted material? Or am i getting this wrong?

He's giving bonuses in-game to "rips" for 3 types of subscriptions.

Fan games are not supposed to take any sort of money, at all, it dosen't matter what the money is going to, if he is taking any sort of money for a fan based game, it goes agnist the rules.
Okay , so im right?
Contact the IP of the games and have them file a Cease and desist.
DBZHU is a fan game and it does this, Tom and Dan say its illegal but they said they are not going to do anything unless they are about to get sued.
Ryuk25 wrote:
DBZHU is a fan game and it does this, Tom and Dan say its illegal but they said they are not going to do anything unless they are about to get sued.

Well thats alittle fucked up.
They CAN'T do anything unless they are about to get sued. Falacy and LSSJ Chris don't use the BYOND Hub to offer subscriptions; they use functions outside the BYOND Website. Because of this the BYOND Staff can't do anything.

Unless the IP of the games they are ripping off contacts Tom and threatens to file a C&D(Konami, for example).

Its happened before
Off Topic:You still use internet explorer,lol.
Kaimana wrote:
Off Topic:You still use internet explorer,lol.

Yup. My parent's think anything with the word Download/Install means Virus =/.

LSSJ Chris wrote:
In no way is what me or Falacy do against any byond rules.

Fangames can in no way shape or form offer any sort of subscription.

We are not selling bonuses to games.

This is right from your website. First sentence actually, "All Subscribers will gain better bonuses then normal donaters"

We are simply offering subscriptions to out websites completely off byonds site.

Thats even more illegal and you can be charged a very big fine.

Therefor Byond has no say in it.

They will if companies threaten to sue them.

We accept donations and shit to keep our servers running.

Thats legal, but only if nothing is offered in return to the donators. Thats why its called a DONATION.

Its a real pain in the ass to run a shell server outta pocket, so getting donations helps.

I would suggest ATP Hosting. Unless $12 a month is too much for you.

I'm not earning money off of copyrighted material because im not selling boosts, I'm, and i repeat, offering game bonuses to those who help keep Silent Night Productions alive and help further our development.

That is giving items back to the subscribers. You are earning money off it; if anybody is even dumb enough to subscribe that is.

I'm not trying to sound like a troll or anything, but the best way to avoid any problems is to get rid of the bonus crap. It will save you a great deal of time.

Comment Deleted for stupidity.
LSSJ Chris sent me these on teh pager.

<--(4:37 pm) LSSJ Chris: Go fuck yourself you piece of shit.
<--(4:38 pm) LSSJ Chris: Go stick your dick up your ass you pathetic little child.
Typical ripper.
I really feel that if BYOND knows their game is taking subscriptions then they should remove the hub. That's how it used to work anyways.

I remember one time back when I ran Majins and Mystics Remastered we had a in game advertising system set up. For each unique IP per day we got, we got paid like $0.05

BYOND instantly sent me a message telling me that unless I remove the advertising my game hub would be removed.
Yeah, if you're running an anime game and you decide to charge for it, you can get in trouble. Fan games are only permitted to exist because of Fair Use, and whether or not you're making a profit off of it is perhaps the biggest stipulation in determining if you qualify.

Frankly, Dantom are running a risk to allow anime games at all, because BYOND has advertisers. You've heard about OneManga getting shut down lately? The only profits they derived was from ads, but it was enough. It's a somewhat different situation - they hosted the actual scanned mangas, and not just likenesses being used by fans to create fan works - but there is a potential there.

It's both a blessing and a curse that BYOND operates under the radar in the way it does. If a cease and desist does manifest, I hope it doesn't affect the entire network. If you value BYOND, I wouldn't go out of your way to inform the IP holders specifically because this is a potential risk.
I would never , i value BYOND to much , but i think people should abide by the rules.
Magicbeast20 wrote:
They CAN'T do anything unless they are about to get sued. Falacy and LSSJ Chris don't use the BYOND Hub to offer subscriptions; they use functions outside the BYOND Website. Because of this the BYOND Staff can't do anything.

Unless the IP of the games they are ripping off contacts Tom and threatens to file a C&D(Konami, for example).

Its happened before

which is why i plan on contacting konami when i finish my Silent hill game.... its only a quarter done