by MDC
Sorry about that everyone, I hosted it visible by mistake. Just running some tests on new features I'm implementing. I have a lot on my plate and I'm the only person working on the project at the moment so bare with me. I'll make an update post soon!
Changing the hub name/banner/icon some time today. Talked with Tom and the possibility of having the hub listed or at least displayed on my member's page.
Poor MDC T^T. Working all alone~
It's my birthday today and thanksgiving and so much cooking and cleaning and oweifjwiofjapofwijgpaowgji x-x
Psh. Not hard work when you're a super saiyan.
Michael Chapman where you at lol
In response to MDC
MDC wrote:
Changing the hub name/banner/icon some time today. Talked with Tom and the possibility of having the hub listed or at least displayed on my member's page.

Could always send an Email to FUNimation saying that you're making a non-profit fan based game on Dragonball and ask for permission to make it publicly visible? I'm sure Byond would have it shown on the site if FUNimation say 'yes' and you supply them with a copy of the email. Though saying this FUNimation are pretty jew-like these days and will probably try to charge you or something ridiculous.
It be so awesome they'll hire us to make their games *jay-z voice*
Are you guys currently in need/search of Iconners who are not lazy and self-motivated to do something pertaining to this game. I'm an iconner myself; looking for something to do and would love to put my talents to the test and work with you guys MDC. I have a Skype and I also work for free; bout time we had something to do on byond; all the games/rips suck. Get to know me, i'm pretty chill ! my skype is ak33my if you're interested or want to give me an art text. etc etc.
And.. to be honest.. It could be a martial arts game, with .... References etc etc from dragonballz.

It's not directly dragonballz if MDC makes it that way lol.
@Sakimaru I added you on Skype, I would to see what your capable of ...Message me at lordofgrafitti@live.com I wana see like a portfolio or scraps of art doesn't matter
^ add the art master. He'll show you the ropes and when the time comes where I can work full time on the game, we'll need all the art we can get to keep up with the programming pace, haha.
Love how you guys try to keep hope in this game that'll never come lol.
Say whatever you want :) You took time out of YOUR day to make a comment on a game you apparently don't care about. Thanks for the love! We have lives and we've said it since people have known about this game. This game is NOT a priority. I wish it was but I definitely have bigger things going on in my life. Though I can assure everyone that this game is definitely going to be released. Maybe not soon but a definite it sure is.
Just wanted to see youre response :)
In response to MDC
MDC wrote:
Say whatever you want :) You took time out of YOUR day to make a comment on a game you apparently don't care about. Thanks for the love! We have lives and we've said it since people have known about this game. This game is NOT a priority. I wish it was but I definitely have bigger things going on in my life. Though I can assure everyone that this game is definitely going to be released. Maybe not soon but a definite it sure is.

Take your time with it, brah. Programming is a hobby I'm assuming and you're not going to get paid for this game so you take as long as you want and enjoy the time making it. Ignore the plebs.
In response to Ganite
I figured :P
In response to Lordjamex
Definitely taking my time. All my time right now is focused on work, saving money and my awesome woman lol
Do you man! I'm just glad to know this game is still a priority even if not a high priority.
Don't forget to Derp mike
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