Naruto Bennett Holzgrafe

by PeinHolzgrafe
Naruto Bennett Holzgrafe
Welcome to the Reincarnation of Naruto Shinobi Elements.

->Game Staff<-









->Pixel Artist<-




->GFX Artist<-


->Head Game Moderator<-


->Game Moderators<-









->Game Rules<-

[1.] Respect all Game Moderators and their decisions.

[2.] Cursing is allowed to a minimum and should not be directed to anyone. [Mute]

[3.] Please do not prejudice or have any racial or religious slurs. [Mute]

[4.] No talking in all CAPS. [Mute]

[5.] If you find a bug, report it, don't exploit it. Report it by going to "Commands" then click "Report Bugs." [Key Ban]

[6.] Don't pester the Game Moderators for skills or other attributes. [Mute/Boot]

[7.] Please don't ask for Game Moderator. [Warning/Mute]

[8.] No AFK Training. [Boot/Jail/Ban]

[9.] Advetisments of other BYOND Games is prohibited and can lead to possible IP Ban. [IP Ban]

[10.] No killing any NPC, will result in possible Ban. [Jail]

[11.] No killing in any Academy. [Boot/Jail/Ban]

[12.] Multi-Clanning is prohibited and can lead to possible IP Ban. [IP Ban]

[13.] Don't pester Organization Leaders or Kage to join them. [Mute]

[14.] Do not bug abuse, you will be jailed.


First offence: Warning

Second offence: Boot

Third offence: Key Ban

Fourth offence: IP Ban


->Game Moderator Rules<-

[1.] Don't Edit other Players. [Lose Powers]

[2.] Don't Abuse Powers for personal gain. [Lose Powers]

[3.] Don't Summon Players without proper reason.

[4.] Every Verb you use is recorded. You cannot Abuse without Pein knowing it.

[5.] Don't disrespect fellow Players On-Game.

[6.] Don't give yourself Bijuu, or Boost yourself. They are for Events Only. [Lose Power]

->War Rules<-

[0.] There are 2 kinds of War:

-The War for Kage.

-The War for Organization Leader.

[1.] You can only Declare War if the Kage/Leader is online.

[2.] The Loser's Village loses its Kage and the Player can't be Kage or an Organization Leader for 1 day.

[3.] If you're going to fight an Organization, make sure you know the Physical Entrance to it.

[5.] There are 5 minutes until someone from the challenged Village go and defend it, if 5 minutes past and there is nobody there, the challenged Village loses.

[6.]After the War begins (That means, if somebody from the challenged Village appears in less than 5 minutes), the Last Standing in the challenged Village's Kage House is the Winner for their Village/Organization.

Thank You.

It will be up as soon as possible.
This is a very nice game not a rip at all very original I say this is my favorite game Ive played
Jon2220 wrote:
This is a very nice game not a rip at all very original I say this is my favorite game Ive played

actually this is one of the main forms of rips...
2 1/2 Years, pretty much. How fun has it been, eh. Pein? Met on this game and we pretty much maintained a nice friendship for years to come.

It's nice but eh, odd at the same time. Oh well. Just thought I would come here to post this being as it's been over 2 Years since your starting line and we've come so far from this. How funny. I wonder what the next generation on BYOND brings.