
Poll: Extend Membership?

Yes. 33% (5)
No. 20% (3)
Never. 0% (0)
Are you stupid? No. 0% (0)
Do it !!!! 20% (3)
Go go go extend! 26% (4)
Maybe. 0% (0)
I don't know. 0% (0)

The polls are now closed.

Your membership time remaining: 5 days, 16 hours

Oh god why? Soon enough I can't run around telling that I'm a supporter of BYOND!!! I guess I'll just have to r... R.... REBUY IT! Oh god! It hurts! My wallet is punching me! Oh god why!

Now seriously, I'm bored and posted a random off topic topic. Yes, I said topic twice. Now then, does anyone think that I should rebuy Membership or not? I'd rather not hear a moderators opinion because it's so boring with their 'neutral opinion', pfft.
Personaly, they're way too much now. I don't think I'll pay when my 63 days and 21 hours are up.
I see what you mean, the only real reason people's buy it nowadays is because they have to make a hub. They usually buy 1 month, and then never buys it again.
In response to MasterSpectra
Tom said they're going to make the hubs free again so I have no reason to get one regardless.
Forum Avatars are nice, and supporting BYOND is even better; so go go go extend. There should be better perks, fair point there, but I'm always in favor of supporting BYOND.
In response to Toddab503
Toddab503 wrote:
Forum Avatars are nice, and supporting BYOND is even better; so go go go extend. There should be better perks, fair point there, but I'm always in favor of supporting BYOND.