why does byond use about 25% of my cpu, i always see byond using cpu from 10% to 30% the proof is shown in the image below.
Sep 27 2012, 12:52 am
I've always wanted to ask this; the pager takes up an ungodly amount of resources for what it is. This generally doubles when an alert balloon pops up - momentarily stalling any games I'm on in the process.
Hello Lord Kakarot,
Do you have any customized settings regarding the pager, such as sound file, fonts, background colors, etc? Also, what version of BYOND are you currently running? Try reconfiguring the BYOND settings to default. To do this, Open the BYOND pager > File > Preferences > Advanced > Open user directory > Go up to the next file level > Rename the folder named BYOND in this directory oldBYOND (Do not delete it) > Restart the BYOND pager. Does doing the above cause any change in the CPU usage of the BYOND pager? Running BYOND 496.1145 on windows XP with 1 GB of ram at 1.60Ghz, I don't seem to be experiencing this problem, with the only time CPU reaches above 10% being at initial login, for a brief second, rapidly falling to 0-1%. Good luck! |
In response to Higoten
Higoten wrote:
Hello Lord Kakarot, Apperently i got Intel i5 cpu @2.57 ghz with 8 gb ram and without any customization it causes this cpu usage (recently installed windows aswell) |
Yeah, I totally agree. It does take some CPU usage from me also. ( 2.10 GHZ, 4 GB RAM - Windows 7 ) It's not major, it's usually 1-10% but still. It's only a little pager, I don't see why it's taking up any usage at all.