BYOND Version:471
Operating System:Windows Vista Home Premium
Web Browser:Firefox 3.6.7
Applies to:Dream Maker
Status: Unverified

Thus far we've been unable to verify or reproduce this bug. Or, it has been observed but it cannot be triggered with a reliable test case. You can help us out by editing your report or adding a comment with more information.
Causing one interface window to dissipate causes the parent window to minimize.

winset(src, "window2", {"

winset(src, "window1", {"

Expected Results:

Window2 should dissapear and Window1 should be usable and unminimized.

Actual Results:

Window2 dissapears and Window1 minimizes.

This problem occurs regardless of Window1 being set to disabled, being set to visible, or having its minimized property set to false or maximized property set to true.


Have window1 minimize and maximize immediately after window2's visible property is set to false.

I'm not sure which window is supposed to be the parent, and what sequence of events is happening here. Also, I'm not sure what you mean by "dissipate". Can you provide a small demo that shows this in action?
I have created a demo that displays the problem I have described. You may download it here: bkk9z2gn2m67mp3/

.DMB and source included.
I was unable to download your demo from mediafire. I suggest switching to a more repudable download host. Mediafire is known for popup ads and has given me problems in the past.
I have had no issue downloading the demo. it's only 9.27 KBytes, so I'll mirror it personally:
Okay, I think I see what happened here and it's not a bug after all, if my observations match up. This is what I'm seeing:

Window 2 is being made invisible while window 1 is still disabled. This isn't minimizing window 1, but it is allowing another application to steal focus. For me, window 1 is staying up but something else will come into the foreground. That's actually expected behavior with window 1 being disabled, though.

If I switch the order of the is-visible and is-disabled winsets so window 1 is reenabled first, there is no problem.

My observations are in XP and as you may be aware Vista doesn't always play by the same rules. Please verify that switching the is-disabled and is-visible winsets (so window 1 is reenabled first) makes the issue go away.