Well, I am going to make this a quick brief synopsis of a job offering. This job is most a NON-BYOND project (But maybe BYOND Endorsed)...

What Do I Need
Pixel Artist- You will be needed for various request, big or small, large or wide. You will be given specific details on what to create and it will be for non-byond purposes. You definitely will need to have room for improvement along with the regular array of skills such as shading, Contrasting, Etc. All I need you to do is finish certain request along a timeline...Activity is not needed by highly praised.

Graphics Artist- I will need you to create various layouts for the site, and just small things such as Banners. You will be paid separately for your job (details at Compensation). You will be asked at random times to create a layout for the site, so Activity is needed.

Pixel Artist-This job is strictly business, you will paid an even split of whatever is made. Your payment is determined by how much we make over the span of every other week. You will be paid by Paypal, of course.

Graphics Designer- You will be paid 50USD per month, since this is not a job you are called upon a lot.

Contact Information
If you have any questions or comments you can reach us at the projects official email/MSN [email protected]

You can put me down for the graphics ^_^
As a side note, I hope the pixel artist is getting paid more than the GD, since his job is much more demanding (not to mention in-demand).
There is a minimum payment of 120USD a month for the Pixel Artist so weekly minimums can be negotiated...Actually all prices can be negotiated based on quality, but don't worry, obviously the pixel artist will be paid more based on popular demand.
I went ahead and created a quick official email to cut apart personal things and such. Be sure to send an email if interested or if you have any questions/comments!