Post your comments here!
Why did you stop updating Bleach eternity you could make it so much more or you can at least pass it on for someone else to develpoe
hi falacy. You shut down
the blue server on ur pop-
ular game dbz hu. i would just like to kno when itll be be back up. thx. get back to me soon plz thx
hey Falacy i really like Heroes United 2 and i was wondering if i could host the server 24/7
how to make a game
Unleashed gohan wrote:
how to make a game
every time that i play and then im lvl 10 it dont save my char if i dont need to go over evrytime i was like 60 by now can you help me
falacy plz create star
wars game you is the best ;D
falacy hi im shehriya i need to ask u something in dbz hu i got 2 booster capsules i purchased them yesterday and they have 13 hours left in them however they dont give me extra boost they dont seem to work can u pls tell me why lol i lost 200k z points from that thank u and ur game rox pls get bak to me soon b4 the booster caps expire :(
There might be a problem with them not working until you relog
Falacy wrote:
There might be a problem with them not working until you relog

soif i relog will they work
Sheriya wrote:
Falacy wrote:
There might be a problem with them not working until you relog

soif i relog will they work
and also will they increase my boosts

Dbzmaster33 acc is bugged he keep losing lvls everytime he lvl up i was training him and he kept loosing lvls i think its bugged
Felacy it would be awesome if u make a great byond naruto game ur really talented please make a naruto game with evryjutsu we would be greatfull!
Kevin_1029 wrote:
Felacy it would be awesome if u make a great byond naruto game ur really talented please make a naruto game with evryjutsu we would be greatfull!

He hates Naruto so NEVER expect a Naruto game from strai
Dude you made the FIRST and ONLY bleach game i actually

-=shout out to you=-

-byonds gangsta
Rod5 wrote:
Dude you made the FIRST and ONLY bleach game i actually

-=shout out to you=-

-byonds gangsta

What do you mean "Dude"? I think you were trying to say Dawg.
hey falacy DBZ HU is
awesome just 1
problem u rongly muted
me im Farsere and
this is wat it says
wen i try to talk
Mute Reason: My Lil Pwny@Hellsing100: Wow how fuking ©©© i just find peffect cell pwer weighted cuz someone threw him and when i land he dissapears :(
You are Globaly Muted in Stray Games
Dude your RPG Starter was a great start to my game, I thank you for the demo :) keep up your work falacy your needed on BYOND ;)
Farcere wrote:
hey falacy DBZ HU is
awesome just 1
problem u rongly muted
me im Farsere and
this is wat it says
wen i try to talk
Mute Reason: My Lil Pwny@Hellsing100: Wow how fuking ©©© i just find peffect cell pwer weighted cuz someone threw him and when i land he dissapears :(
You are Globaly Muted in Stray Games

LOL newb.
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