(This post and more eventually are available on the LoA forums, for those of you who are interested.)
Alright, because the RPG Guild is apparently wanting more activity, here, have your activity! I throw it at you like a spinning keen battleaxe straight out of dwarf fortress! Here's some for you! And some for your mother! And more for you! Arrgh! Fine, I'll stop. To the post!
It was only a matter of time before I started doing this, but I have to post some screenshots to show off all the hard work I've been doing lately. With pictures for extra awesome! Hurray! Hope you enjoy the updates and stuff.
Some scenery taken from the game.
That's some pretty sexy water, if you ask me.
...Yeah, I'll change that stuff to better looking graphics eventually. For now they're just "placeholders" really, the water was done in a few minutes and the trees took a few more. But still, as of now, they look pretty nice if you truly ask me. ;)
What you're seeing right now is one of the three bridges that cross over the major river that runs through the beginning human town. Yay for basic mapping.
Character Gen
Hey, Gary, this image is too mature for young viewers! *censor*
Character Generation is pretty simple as of now, I don't know how much I'll be adding to it later, though. I do know that there are five races, though! And all free-to-play! Awesome, eh? (fail rhyme.)
These are the skills that are available at the moment. Reading from the top left corner to the right and down they are:
Sword Proficiency, Polearm Proficiency, Axe Proficiency, Bludgeoning Proficiency, Archery, Mining, Smelting, Blacksmithing, Carpentry, and Masonry.
Don't worry, there will be more! ;)
The bottom image is showing off some of the possibilities to smith along with the metal selector. And.. that's all I have to show really, hope you people enjoyed! :3