The Acorn Tip
Spam Dropping
Acorn Node
Long Throw
City 1
Unnamed Glitch
The Acorn Tip/Tipping/The Tip:
The Acorn Tip is an infamous bug that used to exist in Feval, that required a lot of skill to pull off. This bug allowed a user to pick up a bomb that was being kicked at them. Doing this would often divert the enemy's attention long enough to do a good counter attack, and win. This technique/bug was fixed/banned/removed shortly after I used it on the owner of the game, Aaiko, while he was in his more competitive attitude.

TKing is the act of killing a teammate while the mode is on "Team Mode".

Scrambling is when a player is randomly moving very quickly to avoid being hit. This generally has a negative connotation, because it shows that the player is panicking. And as we all know, real players don't have panics, they have P.A.N.I.C.S.
Grinding is actually a bunch of different techniques, all of them are simply a more evasive, yet slightly vain version of moving:

Wheel Grinding

Serpent Grinding
Often the different grinding techniques are mixed up to avoid EXTREME repetition, most of the people who aren't good at Grinding are very repetitious.
Acorn Node style:
The Acorn Node style of play is when a person moves revolving around one acorn.
Generally it begins with dropping one acorn, doing a wheel grind, picking it up, then moving it to the next square, and continue. Usually after it is done 3 times, the acorn is red, and ready to be kicked. Making it excellent for Sniping.
The largest downside is that it takes much focus, so you won't be able to pay much attention to enemies around you.
Long Throw:
The Long Throw is the simplest of techniques. It is really not a throw, but a kick. The Long throw is kicking an acorn immediately after throwing it. It makes it easy to be mobile with your acorns, rather than Spam Dropping.
Sniping is a technique in which a user kicks an acorn, and it explodes directly hitting a player(not burning them) and killing them. The bomb should form a t shape. Like so:

Waiting for the bomb to heat up..

Ready for kicking!

Kicking annnd....

The name of this technique probably comes from the intense precision that is required to actually shoot a sniper rifle.
It is well known that a retired player, Supercori or Steel, came up with this technique. It, as well as grinding, created by Jamckell, is one of the most used techniques amongst the more veteran players of Feval.
It is not ideal to sit still while waiting for the bomb to get hot as it was shown above in the picture. Often they run around with it, then Long Throw it.
Spam Dropping:
Spam Dropping is simply what the name states: Spamming the Drop-Acorn verb, usually in a straight line, often used in places such as: Mountains 1 and 2, Cave 1, Tundra 1 and 2, and Plains 2(usually at the end of the match when the player is desperate to win).
The owner Aaiko once noted that Spam Dropping appeared comical to him because it "appeared as though the squirrels had diarrhea and were shitting in a straight line."
The reason I've actually posted this is because it's more than just a subscription, well, it used to be. Sub was a word Feval players would use in order to provoke, tease, and taunt Aaiko for the benefits of subscribing, and the cost. At that time, the only benefits were highly bugged map-making and a pair of 32x32 pixel-wings. Although this taunting only reached it's high point for a day, I still like to commemorate that day, as it was the one day I caused the owner of Feval to ragequit, and threaten to ban me.
They would say things like "hey aaiko my mom is about to buy me a sub... should I get cheese and garlic bread with it?" or "aaiko my mom's getting me a sub, she wants to know which bullets are best for it" or even simply say "Hey, Aaiko, I'm getting a sub."
"SIKE!!! LOL!"
Although now, many people have subscribed to Feval, since he has fixed map-making, and added 2 more customizable maps.
Mira is one of the few girls- actually the only girl that plays Feval on a regular basis. Most of the players secretly have a sexual fetish for her, simply because she's a her, and other things I won't mention, to spare her reputation.
Her phone number is: 1800-YOU-PERV

In Feval, players are OFTEN criticized for using this phrase, and all phrases similar to it, when referring to playing a game of Feval:
"Player 1 is killed by Player 2"
"Player 2: LOL YOU SUCK!"
"Player 1: im not trying"
There was actually one entire month I could say, that was devoted to flaming people who said they weren't trying. If you want to troll, just say that one phrase, and then when you win, say "LOL GUYS YOU ALL SUCK!" and log out.
1v1 is when two players, often after having an argument in the chat or are pit together because they're two very good players who appear to be evenly matched, play a a series of matches with only those two players playing against each other. The common numbers are 10,15, and 20, however once, I believe I had a 1v1 with Flamegame that was 50 games, and was originally 100, but, we got tired at 40 so we lowered it to 50.
2v2 is less common, but used on certain occasions. 2v1's are very unlikely, they're usually between better players like Supercori,Kai, or Superfag/Optimus Maximus vs. two random newbz who talk a lot of trash, and are in no way trying to troll, but do not realize what they are up against.
City 1:
City 1 is the most popular map in Feval, because it is the most basic maps. You start out with a fair amount of acorn capacity, and explosive power, and there are no power ups, and the entire map is symmetrical, even the join spots. It is often the place of 1v1's, Forest 2 is a last resort kind of deal, because for some mysterious reason it lags... a lot, and you get 1 more acorn and 1 more point added to your explosive power.

The number "1" indicates the number of players, NOT the map number. The 1 comes from the fact that it is the 1st map in the City category, same applies to all maps
A player who's reputation is both slandered and respected. Slandered, because of the large amount of trash he talks, respected because of how good he is as a player. He has been the subject of Aaiko's wrath ever since he joined.
Jamckell popularized the Grinding technique.
Aaiko is the creator and owner of Feval, the squirrel, and Feval the game.
People often feyltroll him as soon as he logs on.
Supercori, along with Minute/Kai and Durus are the 3 players that joined Feval along with Jamckell. Jamckell taught them how to play, until eventually Jamckell, Supercori, Kai, and Durus were evenly matched players. Durus is a quiet more strategic player, Jamckell is a fast "GUNZ UH BLAYZIN'" player, Supercori is similar to Jamckell, and Kai is a more social player, who usually just plays around in matches.
Supercori is the player who popularized the use of Sniping.
Unnamed Glitch 1:
This is an unnamed glitch which happens probably 1 in every 50 times you throw an acorn at someone. I'd like to call the glitch "Nut Stalking" for comic relief during an intense game. But anyways, I'll proceed with a description.
This glitch happens when you throw an acorn at someone, and they move away, but the acorn keeps moving towards them, until it stuns them, or they outrun it. Often it happens because players are unsure of whether to run or sit, so they move at the same pace as a thrown acorn. I've once been chased across the entire City 1 map by these. It's quite hilarious to watch happen for both sides(unless the victim is PMSing). This is one of the most inevitable things on Feval, because the acorn actually CHASES you in a straight line, and as soon as you stop, it stuns you(not in the same way as a kicked acorn though). The difference is, if it's about to explode, it won't explode until it stuns you, or you outrun it(but even then, it'll explode as soon as you outrun it, so you'll die either way), and also, it moves slower, and appears as though it is hovering over your back.
The player must move as soon as the acorn is thrown at them.
The Acorn Tip
Spam Dropping
Acorn Node
Long Throw
City 1
Unnamed Glitch