![]() Jul 14 2010, 8:14 am
Truly Epic site.
Ulterior Motives wrote:
Here's what I sent them, I hope they let me become a member. Haha, wow, that's pretty insane, they probably will though, since they pretty much think that it's a drug. |
I sent an e-mail asking where the option was for a pastor with a porn addiction.
Trolololol, lololol, lololol, trololololol |
EnigmaticGallivanter wrote:
remember this cool site? Who trolled that site epicly? |
Disturbed Kat wrote:
EnigmaticGallivanter wrote: Ulterior Motives (using the username as their key) |
EnigmaticGallivanter wrote:
Disturbed Kat wrote: "Greeting all. I am interested in trying out some green magic, as well as some blue magic. I want the blue magic so I can attempt to speed up time, or pass through it to another time. Then I want the green magic to protect myself, and make myself invincible. If anyone has some good spells for these things let me know. I understand this is a white magic site, but I found many green magic spells and red magic spells on here. So I figured it deals with any magic that isn't black. I am a pretty advanced caster, but not so much of a good scribe. I will share one of my favorite spells with you though. For this spell you will need a pure animal to sacrifice to the goddess Shiva, and St. John's Wort. Tie your sacrifice to your alter, place the St. John's Wort on your alter's bowl. Begin your opening chant, when you finish it go directly into this chant. "Munuzoh rogtioa vikaad kilikan" continue repeating this as you cut the head off of your sacrifice. Hang it upside down by it's feet over your alter. Let the blood fill the bowl, when it is full stop your chant. Drink from the bowl, at least a pint. You will find all of your abilities have increased, and you will feel much stronger. Remember to recite your closing chant, clean the area with cold spring water, and to cremate the remains of your sacrifice." Ulterior Motives ^ |
Avenged Charlie wrote:
"Munuzoh rogtioa vikaad kilikan" Ulterior Motives ^ THIS. Vikkad and Kilikan are two races in Teridal(Seika) for those of you who don't know. When I saw this chant, I spit Dr. Pepper all over my screen and rolled on the floor laughing for 5 minutes. By far the best use of BYOND material outside of BYOND to date :) |