Why come back after so long? Well, a few reasons. One is to link off to an official mirror for the Hurricane 2.0 Source.
Hurricane 2.0 Source Code
- A lot of people, even to this day, ask me for mirrors to the Hurricane source code. They don't ever specify, so I think they want 2.0's source. Now, I'm still able to download it off this account (dunno about you guys), so I've downloaded it and uploaded it to my Dropbox account. Now it won't ever be deleted (unless Dropbox decides to go away for some reason).
Link: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/7181231/source/byond/ Hurricane2_source.zip
Now, please stop emailing me! Though I would like to see any spin-off creations you guys make, so email me those to dmxell [at] gmail [dot] com.
Where have I been?
- One of the biggest reasons I left BYOND was due to the amount of time and effort I was spending into it. Considering that I was in-school (senior year of High School), and was, on average, spending 3-4 hours a day programming stuff, I just couldn't spare the time. It was one or the other, and school came first, so I left.
That being said, I am now in college and have quite a bit more free time on my hands (studying video production, so less busy work solving math problems and such). But I wanted to try something new; I wanted to make a game I could sell. Unfortunately BYOND isn't really a platform you could do that with. Therefore I still won't be coming back to BYOND for anything other than maybe making Hurricane 3.0 once my game is finished.
Professional Game? Where!?
- The game in question I am making is called "Evolution: The Last Ball". It's a 2D physics-based puzzle game being built on the Unity 3D engine (irony). The screenshots, they have come too:

The game will be released for PC and Mac, with an iPad version shortly thereafter. I haven't set a release date simply because not much of the game is done. Only the menu and first level to be honest. But this is what I'm doing now. So if you liked my work on BYOND, be sure to follow my new stuff =D
Also, when I'm done with this, I might just come back to BYOND for smaller projects, to test out ideas.