(See the best response by Neo Rapes Everything.)

Problem description: when i use the rename verb in-game it just puts the new name on top of the old name and it doesn't replace the old name on the map. is there a code to replace the old name with the new one on the map?

You must create the name again, what are you using to display names on map?
Then just recall M.AddGuildName(newname) :P

If it doesnt help, yoiu have to manually remove the old name and then recall.
But from what I've seen you just need the first thing.
In response to Neo Rapes Everything
Neo Rapes Everything wrote:
Then just recall src.AddGuildName(newname) :P

i'll try that thanks
In response to Neo Rapes Everything
Neo Rapes Everything wrote:
Then just recall M.AddGuildName(newname) :P

If it doesnt help, yoiu have to manually remove the old name and then recall.
But from what I've seen you just need the first thing.

can i get a code?
In response to Neo Rapes Everything
Neo Rapes Everything wrote:
Then just recall M.AddGuildName(newname) :P

If it doesnt help, yoiu have to manually remove the old name and then recall.
But from what I've seen you just need the first thing.

sorry i gave wrong code its
no code for you!
Best response
            Rename(mob/M in world)
set category = "Administration"
set desc="Change A Mob's Name or check for nameless players"
var/newname = input("Change name to what?") as text

usr<<"<font color=red>Your Admin Powers Are Locked."

if(Check_For_Syms(newname,SYM_TAGS) == TRUE)
alert("Your name may not have symbols in it.")

for(var/mob/N in world)
usr<<"<font color=red>Found Nameless. Renamed to NameLess. Key: [N.key]"
usr << "You <font color = green>Changed</font> [M]`s name"
spawn M.AdddName(newname)
AdminMessage("[usr] ([usr.key]) has changed [M]'s name ([M.key])")

That would be your final code, just a line more.
In response to Neo Rapes Everything
Neo Rapes Everything wrote:
>             Rename(mob/M in world)
> set category = "Administration"
> set desc="Change A Mob's Name or check for nameless players"
> var/newname = input("Change name to what?") as text
> if(GMLockCheck())
> usr<<"<font color=red>Your Admin Powers Are Locked."
> return
> if(Check_For_Syms(newname,SYM_TAGS) == TRUE)
> alert("Your name may not have symbols in it.")
> for(var/mob/N in world)
> if(""||||
> usr<<"<font color=red>Found Nameless. Renamed to NameLess. Key: [N.key]"
> usr << "You <font color = green>Changed</font> [M]`s name"
> spawn M.AddGuildName(newname)
> AdminMessage("[usr] ([usr.key]) has changed [M]'s name ([M.key])")

thanks i'll just put addname not add guild name

i'm compiling now... i hope it works.
It should. Vote if it helped you :)
Thankss So MUch Man I Love You It Worked.