Hey man,
Dude I just wanted to say congrats on your games. Im a HUGE fan of sidescrollers/platformers whaterver you call them. Ive accually always wanted to make a sidescrolling mmo. Is there anyway I can PM you? I need some pointers.
Thanks. If you have questions about using my libraries, you can post on my forum. If you want to send me a private message you can use the BYOND pager.
I've been trying to get ahold of you to ask if I can use the Pixel Movement libraries in some examples for the Resource Center. Let me know.

Part of my motivation for working on my libraries is to ensure that BYOND has good, free resources. There's not a whole lot I can do to stop you, but I'd prefer to keep my resources (and associated resources) freely available on the hub.

I probably won't look in the resource center to see what examples you include. This means that you can go ahead and include all the examples you want (even if I say not to) and I'll never notice. It also means that I won't see what you've done - if anything you've made is worth including in the library itself, it's less likely to ever make it there.
Your resource is still free and I would reference your excellent free resource in the example I create which utilizes your great free resource. An simple example of using your resource is to create an example which demonstrates a bouncing ball. I wouldn't be out to make changes to the library itself. If I came up with a change, I would hand that over to you for consideration. There are 1000's of simple examples one could create.

The libraries are well-suited for making games, I'd rather not reduce it to a "tech demo" of a bouncing ball. BYOND has enough "tech demos" and "proofs of concept" that were never turned into games, we don't need a demo to show people how to make tech demos that never pan out :)

There's a demo in the Sidescroller library that has bouncing grenades. I'd like to keep the demos centered around games and actual gameplay elements. I mentioned in a comment that I'd like to add some more substantial demos and some new features. If you're interested in helping, these might be better ways.
The libraries are well-suited for making games, I'd rather not reduce it to a "tech demo" of a bouncing ball. BYOND has enough "tech demos" and "proofs of concept" that were never turned into games, we don't need a demo to show people how to make tech demos that never pan out :)

This is just a silly thing to say. I'm glad your opinion is only that.

There's a demo in the Sidescroller library that has bouncing grenades.

I was only providing a random example. As I said, there are thousands of examples and demo's that a person could make.

I'd like to keep the demos centered around games and actual gameplay elements. I mentioned in a comment that I'd like to add some more substantial demos and some new features. If you're interested in helping, these might be better ways.

If I recall correctly, this library is based on a number of other peoples work and now here you are acting as if it is your property and trying to control it and prevent other BYOND members from using it to whatever nefarious end they see fit. Asking you was a courtesy and here you go trying to shut me down and I guarantee you, I expected no less.

Lets chalk this up as a reminder.
I was only providing a random example. As I said, there are thousands of examples and demo's that a person could make.
If I recall correctly, this library is based on a number of other peoples work and now here you are acting as if it is your property and trying to control it and prevent other BYOND members from using it to whatever nefarious end they see fit. Asking you was a courtesy and here you go trying to shut me down and I guarantee you, I expected no less.

To be clear, the library is not based on or derived from anything else. Still, that doesn't matter. I am not protecting my library just because its mine - if I wanted to protect it I never would have released it. I have always welcomed contributions from others.

What I am defending is the quality of the library. The goal of the library is to extend BYOND's capabilities and raise the level of quality in games (and the standard of quality for resources). Lapses in quality are counterproductive. The only demo you mentioned, a bouncing ball, sounds like a lapse in quality - it won't help anyone and its ultimately a waste of your time to make it.

If you have other ideas for demos, please mention them. I don't doubt that you have good ideas, you just didn't mention any.
I seem to be having issues downloading your Isometric Pixel Movement demo. I have recently gotten the urge to experiment with isometric features, but I decided to take a look at your system, and when I clicked download it stayed at the Opening link:// blablabla screen. Any explanations? Is it my computer, or is the download broken? I seem to be able to download other things just fine.
You mean this? http://www.byond.com/developer/Forum_account/PixelMovement

I haven't touched it in a while so the download link should be fine. I can double check later today.
Yes, that is correct. I just clicked the Download button again, and the blue BYOND window stayed at this point:
Opening link byond://Forum_account.PixelMovement##version=3##guest/

That is about all the information I have about the issue.
Hmm, I was just able to download it and the stats page shows that other people have been downloading it. I'm not sure what the issue is, but here's a direct link, hopefully it works: http://files.byondhome.com/Forumaccount/ Forum_account.PixelMovement.zip
That worked, thank you. I don't know what the issue is, but it seems to be something related to my computer, so oh well.
Hey bro, My sleep has been really wacky these last few days.If you need me to do anything just leave it on my page I been Waking up during the night. So just comment on my page if you need me
Hi, just had to comment how much I like your games. Perhaps we can talk with eachother about a future game in some retrospect.
Developous wrote:
Hi, just had to comment how much I like your games. Perhaps we can talk with eachother about a future game in some retrospect.

Thanks. If you'd like to talk about game ideas I'm all ears. I barely have the time to work on my own games,so if you're looking to work on a game together I won't be of much help.
Its ok, I am working on attamaris... as you can see. Put you on pager. Perhaps when your present project is done...
Do you know how to make an AI for a pokemon gymleader
I just wanted to mention, using the sidescroller library I managed to work out a new camera function. It allows the camera to drift as you move but it always returns to you. The faster you move the faster the camera drifts towards you in order to recenter. Works fairly well and looks nice for a more "flash game" feel. let me know if you want the code snippet since it's actually a pretty small adjustment. If you want to see it before hand, I'm making a demo for a puzzle game and it will include the camera movement so you'll see it there too. =)
Bravo1, that sounds useful. If you'd like, you can post the code on my forum. I've been saying it for a while, but I think the next update will be the one that adds some more camera control features.
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