I wrote this as a means in hopes to let Developers see a player’s point of view. Over the years I’ve had my share of experiences, from playing “Original” Anime games to even rips in search of a game that’ll fulfill my appetite as a gamer. In my opinion the key to a successful game is the right balance of content. Most Anime games tend to progress slowly after the initial development is finished. After the basic programming of the game is completed allowing it to function, The Staff looses the key element to keep the players love for the game everlasting, sufficient amount of “unique” content.
I myself am far from experiencing the hardships a game’s Staff endures to make a decent game enjoyable to the enormous amount of BYOND Anime players as I am illiterate when it comes to DM and lack the skills to be called a Pixel Artist. My intent isn’t to criticize developers but to just display my view on how the smallest of things can make a difference. Think of this as an informative article on how to improve your game. I had the pleasure of interviewing Staff Members of some of our Anime Games with a large player base such as Bleach: Las Noches, and also upcoming games such as DBOII to see their take on the topic.
Letsuami (Head Programmer) – BLN’s Development Team
AllanJ says:
What do you believe most Anime Games on BYOND lack when it comes to game play?
Letsuami says:
Content. Even with Events, Challenges, Mini-Games, PvP, Quests, Leveling, PvE, Builds, Different Classes, etc, it still gets boring because there’s no real content that’s unique. There’s no fishing system, because that wouldn’t fit in with a Bleach Game, they don’t fish. Though, I would definitely add it just for the sole purpose of being able to fish, as long as the system was good. I’m the type of person that adds a Zelda based Shovel that can dig. Nuff’ Said. Oh and when it comes to content, a lot of games don’t organize it and it’s just a tab with 50 verbs that “do” stuff.
AllanJ says:
I’ve notice BLN is very active when it comes to Updates; you have implemented numerous events, some that even revolve around the Holidays. Do you believe this helps the drought of loss of interest when it comes to Anime Games?
Letsuami says:
Yes. Special Events and such help keep the game afloat, because people enjoy and wait for those special events, sometimes I guess. Easter Eggs drop with special bonus during Easter holiday; Santa Hats become available in the months of December and January. During Halloween we give treats and open up the off limits ABK cave. So Yeah, I’d say it does, people love them.
Chris Gayle (Head Programmer) – DBOII’s Development Team
AllanJ says:
What is your view on situations such as lack of content when it comes to Anime Games?
Chris Gayle says:
In a lot of games released, in the time periods that they were released the idea of "content" was I recon the amount of techniques available. The players were left to make their own content with most games having some sort of guild/faction system so through some amount of roleplay it satisfied the content desire.
But alas people's taste have improved and they now desire more so older games which once satisfied a need no longer fill a newborn gap.
It was seen more a necessary to have all the villages and jutsu possible over questing. Though some games have attempted to incorporate new content in regards to quest/events/stories but is it enough? Some would say yes, others would say no.
I also took the time to ask regular players InGame on thier view on the subject.
AllanJ says:
You've been playing BYOND Anime Games for a few years now, In your perspective what are key fetaures Anime based games lack?
Đmλŋ™ says:
Content, the overall thing that makes most games ground breaking they all lack intricate character development.
$$ Kash Money $$ says:
Key features would be a good quest/mission line, PvE, PvP balance, End game content and making it a game not based on level or equipment. The last part goes towards PvP balance, IE PvP Balance as in not making the game geared 80% on level and equipment but rather player skill and ingenuity.
Cedric says:
For one they're all grind, no story. No quests, PvP isn't interesting due to limited techniques and the balancing is horrible. Not enough creativity in characters, they nearly all have the same "builds". They don't do anything to get the community involved, no constant updates. It's just a release, and update every few months or so. They treat the game like games from the past, they can't break away from the typical BYOND game trend instead of looking at how current, popular MMO's go about doing things.
As many people know it's a tedious task to keep Anime based games entertaining and eventually the light of hope many players see in a game at first eventually drifts away. So maybe it's time we break out of our comfortable shells and make drastic changes. A Anime game with more in-depth character development and content with a theme that just doesn't revolve around killing things and gaining levels.
Maybe the only way to stop players from losing interest in Anime Games is by implementing new features and imaginative ideas that are yet to be thought of. I believe adding such features will give the perfect balance of content needed in Anime Games that players are deprived of.
Thank You for taking the time to read this.
Sincerely, AllanJ
![]() Jul 8 2010, 2:40 pm (Edited on Jul 8 2010, 4:10 pm)
Xeal wrote:
LOL @ $$ KASH MONEY $$, his name, not what he said. ROFL. Lol'd@thattoo. But I agree with everything said here. Infact, I do believe a game called Shinobi Legends has crafting and fishing, I'm not sure. |
Riku 123q wrote:
Xeal wrote: Yea it does. |
I am the $$ Kash Money $$ person he put there, don't see whats funny about the name since my nick for my name is Kash.
What are your thoughts for the subject in question regarding game content? |
XLR8ED wrote:
Foolishness. You radiate a lack of education everywhere you go, please leave before you infect the good citizens. |
When I see people talking about content in games, I tend to think more of stuff like levels (not leveling up/exp, but actual levels in a game), missions, quests and general stuff to do.
Not useless features like fishing or building houses. Seriously, when did you ever see anyone in DBZ, Naruto or Bleach sit down and go fishing? Never is when. When did you see someone in one of those fight through an enemies base/lair/dungeon until they reached the end for a big final battle? All of them is when. Most of the anime games based around these shows lack anything to do, but killing stuff. Whether that is a log, random monsters, or players. There is no real objective other than to get stronger. There is a DBZ, Naruto and Bleach RPG all on the Nintendo DS. All of these have a storyline, and play like a traditional RPG. Where you go from town to dungeon, fighting enemies, killing bosses and progressing a storyline. There is more than enough content in those 3 anime shows to make a game like this. How often has it been done with BYOND? Never. Whenever someone announces a new DBZ/Naruto/Bleach game it is always based around killing stuff to get stronger, with no purpose other than to be the strongest. When are you guys actually going to start making games, and not just leveling up simulators? (You could just have a red button that says "click me to get stronger", and that would effectively be the exact same as every DBZ/Naruto/Bleach game on BYOND currently). In short. Your game does not need a fishing or building system. It needs stuff to do that is not based around raising your power level even higher. |
The Magic Man wrote:
When I see people talking about content in games, I tend to think more of stuff like levels (not leveling up/exp, but actual levels in a game), missions, quests and general stuff to do. The whole fishing/crafting thing was more of a comic relief sort of thing. I was just using it as an example. In short, im suggesting that making the game more in-depth would be a nice change. Breaking from the "simplistic" view of nothing but killing stuff gets boring overtime. Im not suggesting you make it so that players can open a shop in the city and sit around and sell things im just implying that Quests/ Missions, etc can revolve around a bigger theme than killing things the entire time. Sorry for the confusion about the craft/fishing subject. Submitted the article before i could edit it out. |
It's more a problem of ORPG developers not understanding that they're offering a service rather than a product isn't it? The same themes (anime or not) could be applied to other genres of games. Unless it's randomly generated, it doesn't make sense to me when small teams dive head-first into content-heavy projects.
ACWraith wrote:
It's more a problem of ORPG developers not understanding that they're offering a service rather than a product isn't it? The same themes (anime or not) could be applied to other genres of games. Unless it's randomly generated, it doesn't make sense to me when small teams dive head-first into content-heavy projects. The problem really is these people keep making RPGs. RPGs are naturally content heavy games. But none of them seem interested in making the content part. When I think of stuff like DBZ, Naruto or Bleach, I think of action and fighting. Why not stop making bad RPGs, and start making action games? Clearly what they are trying to do is make an action RPG, but the games result in having bad action, and even worse RPG. It's not like every game in BYOND anime has to be a RPG. An action game might actually be worth playing. |
ACWraith wrote:
It's more a problem of ORPG developers not understanding that they're offering a service rather than a product isn't it? The same themes (anime or not) could be applied to other genres of games. Unless it's randomly generated, it doesn't make sense to me when small teams dive head-first into content-heavy projects. Great Point. Anime based games also perfectly fall under the category of "content-heavy projects". In my perspective Anime's such as Bleach, Naruto and DBZ contain an immense amount of content that can be implemented into a game. Guess, the hard part is the actual process of putting it into the game. In a way, this is the reason why barely any "Original" Anime Games are released these days, their a content-heavy project that requires a lot of time and patience to be completed. |
The Magic Man wrote:
It's not like every game in BYOND anime has to be a RPG. An action game might actually be worth playing. Right, that's what I was trying to get across. Anime developers seem to choose the one genre of games that requires constant service when they could just as well choose a type of game that focuses on replayability. |
The Magic Man wrote:
When I see people talking about content in games, I tend to think more of stuff like levels (not leveling up/exp, but actual levels in a game), missions, quests and general stuff to do. Actually Goku and company DID sit down and go fishing quite a few times in the series, but I see where you're coming from. |
It's ok, the anime community can drown in a pool they can't swim in. Adding RPG aspects to an Anime section doesn't seem logical, I mean after all...it is the anime section.
Also Chris Gay, please stop suxing ma dick, it was bad enough when I was on your staff... |
Sorry but these people lack the great talent for a so called decent game. Now we have people like Zete who doesn't lack this. But whatever. Maybe these people will soon learn when the anime game competition grows. And it will force them to make better actual Decent games.
Static-GT wrote:
Sorry but these people lack the great talent for a so called decent game. Now we have people like Zete who doesn't lack this. But whatever. Maybe these people will soon learn when the anime game competition grows. And it will force them to make better actual Decent games. While I do support the demand in more Anime games that are not so lacking as they are in this generation, adding things that are not of it's element will turn players away. You can't please everyone, but you can please a majority. Sticking to the script is one way, but this may conflict with laws using a plot from a series. One thing that the Anime section lacks is actual story lines. There is certainly no plot to Masterdan's GOA, nor have I wanted to play Bleach Las Noches to find out if there was a plot in there. Anime is not necessarily watched for the cool affects or the fights. (DBZ does not apply here :]) But for the plots, such as Death Note or any other series that drags you into their world. What we need is backgrounds and stories, not fishing and crafting. When there is demand for production of games, the number of rips will increase. Easy way to settle this is basically deleting anything from the byond hubs that are of rip quality. No matter how "hard" the person "worked" to "create" the "game." There's a difference between wanting to help and being a nuisance. |
ACWraith wrote:
The Magic Man wrote: ^ That. I however, am trying to incorporate the best from your Action and RPG styles into one by creating a basis for the game, and then going crazy with it. Another thing a lot of anime developers like to do is try to keep it strict to the storyline/world of anime they're in. With my current project, this is the exact opposite. It's loosely based on the anime i've chosen. I do things the way I want to do them. As a matter of fact I'm planning a "campaign" of sorts for the game itself, based on my own ideas, of course there will be events/characters from the actual anime, but everything else will probably be mine. |
Yes. Special Events and such help keep the game afloat, because people enjoy and wait for those special events, sometimes I guess. Easter Eggs drop with special bonus during Easter holiday; Santa Hats become available in the months of December and January. During Halloween we give treats and open up the off limits ABK cave. So Yeah, I’d say it does, people love them.
Those holiday type event things are already in Final Resurrection. :P