Hey, I play this game called Hunters Blade - Which is the clone of Monster Hunter (Capcom game) on the PC.
Basically you grab a group of 4 guys with swords and bows, and go hunt T-Rexs and Dragons together. You bring back the loot, and craft their armor to upgrade your strenght... It's very casual, no grinding.
Youtube it if you want to see what it's like, 3D but no point and click, WASD with mouse (Arcade).
If you want to play together, my msn is [email protected] (I have a Lv60 Character on Wing Wolf server)
btw the lvling rate is super high, you can hit lv30 in a day, max lvls 70 i think but lvls dont matter - since its a skil based game / armor is 2nd most important thing, but i know hardcore hunters that go hunt naked... so yeah.
for more information look up Monster Hunter itself.
Sep 19 2012, 12:16 pm
Sep 19 2012, 12:32 pm
Cool, just incase my IGN is Crowe.
Lol long as hell ago and you finally respond ;3. But last i heard they said they were shutting it down. Idk that's what i heard so i just stopped x.x