The next gift is another source from another game.
But this time it is different in that it is not a finished game, but actually a game that is in development.
This is what I have planned out so far.
This is what I have done so far.
First things first.
This is NOT an "open source" project. I will accept suggestions to improve things, I will NOT accept other peoples work or codes to integrate into it.
Again, you are free to do with this what you want.
The code was all written by me, it is fully commented, and a lot of it is modular (I literally copied and pasted several parts of it from older projects and integrating it took minimal effort).
I did not make the graphics however. And probably never will, I hate making graphics. So I am using RPG Maker XP resources (some are actually freeware resources, designed to be used with RPG Maker, but allowed to be used by anyone).
What is the purpose of this? Who knows. Maybe I am bored, maybe it is for people to learn, or something for people to use.
Maybe a bit of all.
You need one library to run it at the moment. Deadron.TextHandling
Anyway. At the moment the source code represents about 2-3 days of work.
It includes basic stats that any RPG would need.
It has item management and the ability to equip weapons.
There is also the start of a system to give items/equipment effects (stuff like get +1 str from sword and so on). It uses datums to handle these effects.
Has character creation, as well as loading/saving.
Player communications.
A system to handle player made parties/groups.
That is more or less it other than interfaces. It is only 2-3 days work as I said.
As I work on the game, I will make new posts with updated source codes and detail what I have done since the last post.
![]() Jun 30 2010, 9:44 pm