Naruto: Next Generation

by FaceOff Productions
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Because the game is off?
can you turn this game so other can host i wana host it please
why off T.T?
The stopped updating/hosting because they source got out to the public.
Is it okay if I officially continue your game? I'm a BYOND Programmer with good knowledge of the BYOND Code, a skilled GFX Artist and HTML Designer. Please respond ASAP.
I want the game back (latest version)

For ppl who want to play naruto next generation(old version little modified) follow this link:
Name of the game : naruto new flames
go to
bring the game baaack!! D:
i cant stand playing goa anylonger haha
I will follow the version 2.0 adds [email protected]
naruto next generation (down) naruto new flames (down) now i can play just naruto ended encounters.. i hope this will be up again :O
Prophet Bear wrote:

NNB back up

Thats a rip, GTFO
Hi all 2012 NNG Game is back 981014.NNGNarutoNextGeneration?tab=index
It is like the Old Naruto Next Generation Hebrons.Naruto4thGeneration?tab=index Join this NNG game It has new villages and new clans, we are currently working on new ones. We update frequently. Come join!
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