(Browse, Topic, href, \ref, HTML, etc.)
Where can I find a reliable guide on how to start learning this stuff?
I currently use a grid and using output to display players in a server and their attributes. I find the grid method to look sloppy and not as nice or flexible as I've seen some popup windows.
![]() Sep 13 2012, 8:47 am
![]() Sep 14 2012, 11:55 am
(Browse, Topic, href, \ref, HTML, etc.) there are topics on each of them in DM Reference
html_text = "<b>Hello!</b>" Will output to the src's browser - the text. Topic(received) The data received via a href link from the player (Who clicked it) <a href=?user=\ref[src]>Who am I?</a> A reference to anything contained within a href tag. Sending the user as a value you can locate() in Topic() in one of its parameters. |