Biggy You'r Probably busy with stuff so i guess il do this for you and for this awesome game hehe :)
1. What is Donation points?
With Donation Points you can get Exclusive And Branc New stuff For You Charecter ( Outfits , jutsus , Reset to stats , Reset to skill points , Name Changing , Village Vests etc...)
2. How do you Get Donation Points ? webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=2ZS6Y29N3PXUS
is where to Send you'r money too , and you will be rewarded with donation points
1$ = 1 Donation Point
3.What are the Prices of the Donation items and Charecter Resets + Name change ?
Name Change - 2DP
Chuunin - 2DP
Jounin - 2DP
Respec - 5DP
Unlimited Respec - 10DP
Unlimited Name Change - 10DP
Double Raikiri - 2DP
Fire Release: Phoenix Sage Fire Technique - 2DP
Secret Technique - Death God - 15DP
Eternal Mangekyu Itachi - 20DP
Eternal Mangekyu Sasuke - 20DP
Eternal Mangekyu Kakashi - 20DP
+5 Levels = 5DP
+10 Levels = 10DP
+30 Levels = 15DP
+50 Levels = 20DP
+80 Levels = 30DP
Level 60 - 5DP
Level 90 - 10DP
Level 110 - 15DP
level 130 - 20DP
Level 150 - 30DP
1,000 Skill Points - 5DP
2,000 Skill Points - 10DP
5,000 Skill Points - 15DP
10,000 Skill Points - 20DP
15,000 Skill Points - 30DK
5,000 Yen - 5DP
15,000 Yen - 10DP
25,000 Yen - 15DP
50,000 Yen - 20DP
100,000 yen - 30DP
Akatsuki Robe - 15DP
Chuunin Vest : Leaf - 15DP
Chuunin Vest : Mist - 15DP
Chuunin Vest : Suna - 15DP
Chuunin Vest : Sound - 15DP
Chuunin Vest : Rain - 15DP
Chuunin Vest : Star - 15DP
Chuunin Vest : Blitz - 15DP
Chuunin Vest : SSM - 15DP
Chuunin Vest : Sekiyu - 15DP
Chuunin Vest : Lone Wolfs - 15DP
Please Donate to make the game better :)
![]() Sep 12 2012, 8:34 pm
![]() Sep 12 2012, 8:43 pm
Return the game to how it was and you'd probably actually get Donations.
Exactly. This game is all based on edits and stuff, it's not even worth the money now. Whoever buys more...wins, so why waste the money?
in all honestly , You kinda wrong.
Everyone got respec and not everyone is edited , infact , almost everyone is NOT edited. the only one i know who has Donation stuff is RaiZ,Playa,Paint That would be all ;P everyone else are kinda the same . ofc it isnt that fair , but they spended there money for something havent they ? if he would delete those edits people will be mad because there money was spent for nothing . i just made this guide to help all the annoying brats in OOC that asks how to donate how to donate , its getting me sick. i didnt do it for personal gain or anything else , so there's not much to it . good day ;3 |
No, I'm not wrong. This game is a RIP off the original, hence why it's a even larder waste to spend money on quite a few things that can actually be obtained in game. Now, let's say someone wants level 150 instantly. Okay, they'll spend that money...and then what? Just kick everyones ass? It's pretty pointless in my opinion, considering the fun and challenge is in the creation, and building of your character. Secondly, whether it's one....or many, it's still someone editted. There are people with an unfair advantage, and it's significant as well. I'm not worried about people spending their money and getting a product, that wasn't my point. I used to actually play this game, until edits came in and ruled and made my character look like a childs balls compared to a horses. Smell what I'm stepping through? See what I'm putting to the table? You picking up what I'm putting down? |
Yes i get you , But i still Think That you are Wrong. Let's start with the fact you said its the rip of the original. are you trying to tell me that there are no other GOA rips that asks for donation ? because ive seen some. Of course its easier to lvl there , but then whats the point in playing if everyone is the same and you can't get stronger then someone else. i like to be alot stronger then other people , and kick everyone ass , of course i can't afford Donating but if i would i'd probably invest in some of the items there , and maybe skill points. i dont really think people actually donate to get higher lvls , since its really pretty much easy . i got to lvl 100+ in a day . unlike other GOA rips , You are allowed to EZ in this game from what i know. So lvling is easy to keep game ok between everyone . Secondly, you said whether its one or many , its still someone editted. What if those editted players dont play ? because so far haven't saw anyone with edits play , besides Playa and Rai which they dont use there donation-edit players so far. i allways play this game even when the players are edited , and i still win ... its all about skills and gameplay , lvls are important for higher damage yes that is true , but its easy to avoide and its fun to play . Smell what I'm stepping through? See what I'm putting to the table? You picking up what I'm putting down? |
Playa here. I nvr donated. I got that op'd by putting time into my character. You guys can QQ all you want about edits but I can honestly say the most I ever donated to this game was 5$ and I lost the double raikiri and triple hosenka that I donated for the week after. This wipe I got free triple hosenka and a free name change for helping test in the war. That is all the edits I have ever had. One thing I hate about edits on this game is people think that the only way to get OP is by paying money and then they have no real motivation to get strong at all. Paint and I both mission spammed to get k-sword. Doubt any of this matters now that the game is dead but people like you have always been irritating to me.