Have you ever programmed a game?
In response to Syne Mage
Syne Mage wrote:
Have you ever programmed a game?

Yes, yes I have. Why?
Are you currently wokring on a project albro or want to work on a project? Tbh, im tired of seeing rips online as well and byond is starting to piss me off so.So i want to work a new original game emails areL
saintdjken@yahhho.com>both are for yahoo and msn>
Hi there.
Umm, i want to talk to you about some game development. Could you add me on msn? Just need some help with some things in the coding section, that i don't get. And people on the BYOND forum are being dicks some times, and you seem like a nice guy.

- Thank you for your time.
Everyone has a limit. My patience is just higher than most, I guess. Once someone annoys me to no end, however, I will not hesitate to be as sarcastic as possible whenever I can.

Anyways, added you.
Albro whenever you can if you read my post ontop can you add on pager or anything i would like some help from you to and some support from you and you already know me from that other game so if that spot is still open i would be glad to accept it.
I can't join your project, but I may be able to help you on some things. I'll add you.
Alright i dont even have a project tbh i dont feel like reading dm guide but when i do or if i do and if i need help from you i will ask you on pager.
want me to teach you how to code better
In response to Shanegirl
Shanegirl wrote:
want me to teach you how to code better

Was that sarcasm rofl?
i need programmer for my game :l
When you are online, add my new msn; LG_Trigger@hotmail.com and get Ryoku to add it also xD
Currently working on a Turn-Based System framework. I'm off to work, but the basis of it is mostly completed. When I come back I'll be cleaning it up and then start working on some demos.
Your game nightmare is amazing i can't stop playing it over and over
I'm going to assume that was serious - Thanks. I have been working on some new features (including NPC dialogue on the map) and I've also made the cutscene reflect where the game will actually start instead of that random place. Its going to take a bit before getting to the first battle in the actual story.
No am serious it really was i think the icons are good how they are too
Well thanks for the compliments, but my 5-minute placeholders are just that - placeholders. Once I find a good, interested artist they will be changed.
Ok good luck with the game :D
Thank you.
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