![]() Mar 27 2009, 12:48 pm
Post your comments here!
Ah, JROTC was something I did in school. Doing ROTC in college now, its great that you gave a class like that a try, not many people want to wear that uniform lol
Phew...just got back. I admit, it was hell...but I came out with a sense of accomplishment.
Hey, Albro. I too, need a Membership. Help a fellow man out? If you want to talk about a deal, my MSN is as follows:
Sorry man, but I am completely broke. I have no money to even renew my own membership.
Took a break on B:ANB for a few weeks, then looked back over everything. I realized how convoluted the Quest system(That took several days to make and perfect) was, so redid it. It literally took me a mere 3 hours or so to complete it and do sufficient testing on it. It works faster and better, and is much easier to implement in the code itself. :)
Yeah, I do. Why?
Tidbit: It was strange, I was never alerted to your comment. Sorry for the late reply. |
Not going to answer? You are wasting my comment space with your unjustified accusations. However, unlike you, I will not delete your comment.
That's called "being the bigger person". I hope you learned something today. |
KururugiSuzaku wrote:
Working on any games? Hope you aren't. It'll probably fail. Look who's talking buddy. " "Currently Unavailable Latest Version Date added: Apr 04, 2011 1 fan " IF you get something up and running, I'll shut it. |
yo,Thank you for commenting on my game I wish you the best for your game future projects if you have any, and wish me well on mines :)
Any suggestions?