Alright, This years E3, Was pretty good, but at the same time pretty stupid. There were alot of Good games that came back, after i don't know 10 or 5 years. That's a Good thing.

Lets Start off with Microsoft, Everyone who i ever talked to was disappointed in there Conference, The thing is that it was so boring people started to leave, and what did they do, they bribed people with new Xbox 360 slims, it's almost like they knew it was going to happen.



-Gear of War 3
-They Showed Black ops, and Metal Gear: Rising, but those are third party games.
-Halo: Reach (Bungie's Last game, then there going with Activision).
-and Fable 3.
-There was this one RPG game, i don't remember it, though.
-Plus, The Awful Kinect.
-Xbox 360 Slim

-Nintendo 3DS
-Donkey kong
-Kid Icuras
-007: Goldeneye
-The new Mikey mouse game
-Kirby: Epic yarn
-Metroid is back
-Golden Sun


-Killzone 3 Also in 3D, This is personally one of my Favorite FPSers off all time, Nothing can match it.
-Twisted Metal (After 10 Years a new one has Finally come, One of my favorite Combat Car Racing Shooters)
-inFamous 2 (Cole is back with a New Look, New Techniques, and new Voice actor, WTF?)
-Little Big planet 2 (Another great game for your kids).
PS: Move ( This in my opinion has way more Potential then Kinect, And it has been said that Kiect E3 Gameplay was Fake, idk who said that).

PS: Move Games:
Time Crisis
Heavy Rain,
Dead Space Extraction (Comes with Dead Space 2 as a PS:Move Bundle).

The Big Announcement in the E3 conference Was Valve approach.

Gabe Newell came up stage and apologized to everyone that he was being a dick and bashed on Sony's PS3, and he was a Xbox fanboy, I was Majorly Shocked. He has said that The Reason he going with the PS3 now, is that Sony's Executives very helpful to him, and he has stated that it is a more Open world Console. Plus Portal 2 is being the better version on the PS3.
Plus Steam Cloud, That's Huge. It allows you to get Frequent updates and allows you to play with PC Players?
Plus the last thing i have is the Playstation Plus Subscription.
(Keep in mind that it's just a starting plan, so later on it will be better, imo).

This is the ranking i would put the E3


Because Nintendo shocked the world by making 3D posible without glasses, other then that Sony pretty much Surprised Everyone. But they Were holding back So Much, I guess there waiting till TGS.
Microsoft pretty much, went downhill, they spent so much time promoting Kinect, Sony did the same thing but not that long as them, they still promoted games after that.

This is my take of E3, comment below, correct me with any info on this.
This is a Debate, not a argument.

Thanks, This is my Last post for the day, I might not make one for awhile.

Later everyone.
Don't forget Fallout New Vegas and MGS Rising.
Pfft.. Little Big Planet 2 isnt just for kids >.>

Now Portal 2, that shit is sexy. Ive seen the E3 demo twice so far. Mixture of comedy, puzzles, and faster-paced gameplay, compared to the original(So far).

Besides that, Nintendo won my heart. Zelda, Donkey Kong(<3), etc.

Kinect..Was a piece of shit. I would say "imo", but I will calmly let my arrogance take over...
Dont forget all the core games that will work with move. Heavy Rain, RE5,Deadspace2, Killzone3, Socom4 etc.

And Medal of honor for sony.

And Wheres Golden Sun for nintendo?

Also, i dont remember Gabe Newell doing anything but introducing portal 2.
-Twisted Metal (After 10 Years a new one has Finally come, One of my favorite Combat Car Racing Shooters)

Ummm... Twisted Metal: Black does exist.
Pmitch wrote:
Dont forget all the core games that will work with move. Heavy Rain, RE5,Deadspace2, Killzone3, Socom4 etc.

And Medal of honor for sony.

And Wheres Golden Sun for nintendo?

Also, i dont remember Gabe Newell doing anything but introducing portal 2.

See that part of the conference again.
Plus, the games i listed are the ones i could remember on the top of my head.
Medal of honor is a Multiplatform game, so it goes to every category they listed. the only thing Sony got was Exclusive Deals for the First time ever.
Popisfizzy wrote:
-Twisted Metal (After 10 Years a new one has Finally come, One of my favorite Combat Car Racing Shooters)

Ummm... Twisted Metal: Black does exist.

Twisted Metal: Black was not made or Produced by David Jaffe.
Goku super sayian 4 wrote:
Twisted Metal: Black was not made or Produced by David Jaffe.

Uh... yes, it was. He was the producer and lead designer.
Popisfizzy wrote:
Goku super sayian 4 wrote:
Twisted Metal: Black was not made or Produced by David Jaffe.

Uh... yes, it was. He was the producer and lead designer.

Was that the one they made in 2001 or was it Twisted Metal: Head-on?
Goku super sayian 4 wrote:
Popisfizzy wrote:
Goku super sayian 4 wrote:
Twisted Metal: Black was not made or Produced by David Jaffe.

Uh... yes, it was. He was the producer and lead designer.

Was that the one they made in 2001 or was it Twisted Metal: Head-on?

Twisted Metal: Head-on was made in 2005 for the PSP and 2008 for the PS2.

But, I am looking forward for a newer one to come out. :]
XSky RiderX wrote:
Goku super sayian 4 wrote:
Popisfizzy wrote:
Goku super sayian 4 wrote:
Twisted Metal: Black was not made or Produced by David Jaffe.

Uh... yes, it was. He was the producer and lead designer.

Was that the one they made in 2001 or was it Twisted Metal: Head-on?

Twisted Metal: Head-on was made in 2005 for the PSP and 2008 for the PS2.

But, I am looking forward for a newer one to come out. :]

Yeah, i did some research on that. lol
The new one better be good, but since Jaffe is making it, he has some creative idea's.