![]() Jun 23 2010, 4:12 pm
This sure turned into a mess.
Tom wrote:
SilkWizard rebuttal here: http://members.byond.com/Silkwizard That doesn't really seem fair Tom. I have no qualms with your decision to hide Silks post. It is your right to do so. But why threaten punishment on top of it, as if he's committed some egregious sin? To my knowledge Silk has never re-posted anything you guys have hidden before. I doubt he's going to start now. Why can't someone defend themselves on their own blog, instead having to come to the blog of somebody who is obviously against them? I mean, read Magicbeasts original post. It's just as much of an anti-Silkwizard/NEStalgia rant as any of the others. I'd agree with you that commentary should be centralized in one area, but it would be better if that area were a more neutral location. Maybe you were referencing Masterdan more so than Silk though. In which case I apologize for ranting at you. Seems he deleted his post, so I don't know what was said there. |
Jaredoggy wrote:
Tom wrote: Are you saying silks blog is a neutral place for a discussion? Because that makes absolutely no sense if you are. |
Jaredoggy wrote:
I mean, read Magicbeasts original post. It's just as much of an anti-Silkwizard/NEStalgia rant as any of the others. That is the original post. I only edited out the part where I said I was going to post updates on my website instead of here. It was in no way a Silk/Nestalgia rant. I showed both sides of the story fairly. Again, this argument was about BYOND Administration. Stop bringing up Silkwizard. |
Magicbeast20 wrote:
That is the original post. I only edited out the part where I said I was going to post updates on my website instead of here. It was in no way a Silk/Nestalgia rant. I showed both sides of the story fairly. Horse shit. |
Jaredoggy wrote:
Magicbeast20 wrote: No, Horse shit would be me deleting all your comments and then banning you from ever talking on this blog again. |
Magicbeast20 wrote:
No, Horse shit would be me deleting all your comments and then banning you from ever talking on this blog again. Go for it, you're just serving to prove my point. |
Jaredoggy wrote:
That doesn't really seem fair Tom. I have no qualms with your decision to hide Silks post. It is your right to do so. There's nothing wrong with Silk's post and I don't mean to single him out. However, it wouldn't be fair to keep his post live while suppressing all of the others; that's exactly the double-standard that many have complained about. The statement about forthcoming blog bans is directed at everyone, since at the time I made this there were at least five posts discussing this topic after I had specifically requested that we keep that chatter here. I agree, this entire setup sucks. A lot of people (Silk included) protested the front-page setup from the outset, but I think it has been a slight asset over all of these years (and certainly one of the driving member perks). However, I'm starting to debate that now, since we're having to spend so much time monitoring it now. God forbid we ever had a big community. |
In all reality, there should be a double front page. One public that is heavily moderated much stricter than we have it now, and another that isn't monitored(by isn't I mean minorly for things such as porn and what-not) that is only displayed to those on your friends list.
Think about the way the news feed on Facebook works. You see updates from your friends, similar to that, except with blog posts. Not something I can see happening in the near future, but it's something we should probably consider working towards. People can post about what they like and just choose where it goes(main, friends). If they post stuff on the main page enough that doesn't belong there(personal attacks), then they can be blocked from the main page, but still post to their friends feed. |
That would be a good system Mikau. I've also thought something like that would be pretty sweet.
However, considering how many attention seeking trolls there are in the community, the "main page" would still probably be about as bad as it is now. So it'd still be a huge headache for mods. But it would be great for me, because I'd likely never even go to the main page, instead just avoid all the postings that are irrelevant to me! =) |
Jaredoggy wrote:
However, considering how many attention seeking trolls there are in the community, the "main page" would still probably be about as bad as it is now. So it'd still be a huge headache for mods. Well it should be much stricter if the system was that way, meaning that the main page would be for posts relating to development, main guild posts, stuff like the tech tree(even though it's a main, it deserves it's own mention), social(hi, I'm Bert), pointing out awesome things to the community(I point out a lot of steam sales, DivineTraveller pointed out a couple indie game sales), stuff along those lines. Just generally not things like "Bert is a poopoohead". You would still get complains about peoples things being taken off the front page, but there's no real reason for them to complain as much due to the fact that their post is still publicly displayed on all of their friends news feeds. I think I just rambled on there, but I'm thinking that we're already in a bunch of guilds, so our friends feed wouldn't really be "I'm friends with x, they have to be my friend" but more along the lines of "I'm in that guild, so any posts there show up in the feed". I'm not sure how many moderators there are on BYOND, nor is it any of my business since it's better that the community not know who they are(sucking up, bias, etc), but I'm pretty sure there are lots of people like myself(no, I'm not a moderator of the website) that would be unbiased in monitoring things like the front page, and since everything is logged, any bad decisions will be contested by the other moderators. |
Tom wrote:
Jaredoggy wrote: have you considered a rating system where the top rated blogs go on the front page and the ones that aren't top rated on another page? |
Master rla wrote:
have you considered a rating system where the top rated blogs go on the front page and the ones that aren't top rated on another page? How would the posts end up on the front page in the first, since they in theory would start without a rating? This would end up doing nothing more than pushing all posts by people who have the most friends voting onto the front page, and the posts by people who spam places saying "VOTE FOR MY POST". |
Mikau wrote:
Master rla wrote: I am sure Tom would much rather that then outright trolling blogs heh. |
Master rla wrote:
I am sure Tom would much rather that then outright trolling blogs heh. What do you mean by this, could you explain it further? Do you mean that the blogs are mediums for trolls, or that Tom(and the moderators) would have to troll the blogs in order to keep the peace? My method would simply mean that they keep doing what they do not, but in a stricter manner without the repercussions of the community flying off the handle whenever a post is hidden from the front page. It would allow for a much clearer do and don't of what you can and can't post, and when a post is hidden, the moderators can simply say "Your post is still visible to all of your friends." |
Mikau wrote:
Master rla wrote: What I mean is that by limiting what goes on the front page,people who are tempted to start flamewars would be discouraged by the long and gregarious process.Tom would much rather posts asking people to vote them on the front page then flamewars erupting on the front page. |
Master rla wrote:
What I mean is that by limiting what goes on the front page,people who are tempted to start flamewars would be discouraged by the long and gregarious process.Tom would much rather posts asking people to vote them on the front page then flamewars erupting on the front page. First of all, I'm going to point out that what Tom would much rather, is something Tom decides, you can't exactly just say "Tom would rather" anything because you are in fact, not Tom. Now all your method would do, is make it so that people like me, who post useful information(most of the time) on their blog, would end up having to jump through a flaming hoop just go get my post seen, which I wouldn't even bother, because the information I'm posting, I don't want to bend over backwards for people to see. So a lot of people would just stop using the blogs. I'm not trying to just say you're wrong, but your idea wouldn't exactly stop the trolls, since they are trolls they go through enough effort already to annoy people, so making people vote for them(4chan? SA? Some other random community based website? I don't browse the internet for those types of places but you can insert some others), wouldn't really be that big of a deal. |
Mikau wrote:
Master rla wrote: But it would make it harder for the trolls. All good information can be stickied on the forums. |