I(Disturbed Puppy) decided that instead of updating my membership, I would switch to this account, and become a member on this one.

As to how I ended up playing games on this account....

This account was made so I could have an alternate(second) character on Seika(now Teridal). I ended up using the "secondary" character as my primary, and so This account was logged in on my pager instead of Disturbed Puppy. As I played more games, I got more medals, and thusly the "Disturbed Puppy" account was used solely for my blog. So, I moved everthing over to this one.

Disturbed Puppy was a better key =(.. Yeah, I was debating on switching to The Toby ^-^..
Ss4toby wrote:
Disturbed Puppy was a better key =(.. Yeah, I was debating on switching to The Toby ^-^..

Yeah I know, but this is my playing games key, and since this site is based around playing games...I figured I'd just move it over.