Split txt into a list of strings, using sep as the field separator value:

proc/splittext(txt as text, sep as text)

accum = new/list()
start = 1
end = findtext(txt,sep,start)
accum += copytext(txt,start,end)
start = end + lentext(sep)
return accum

Create text from list lst, using sep to separate the elements:

proc/joinlist(list/lst,sep as text)
txt as text
txt = lst[1]
txt = addtext(txt,sep,lst[i])
return txt


edit: changed while() loop to a do while() loop.
Just a few picky things, well, it's mostly all the same thing. You initialize variables after their declaration, but you initialize them to a static value anyway, so I don't see why you don't just initialize them where they're declared.

You could also make usage of the '.' variable here, such that:
proc/joinlist(list/lst,sep as text)
. = lst[1]
. = addtext(txt,sep,lst[i])

(Just modifying your example)
The built-in params2list() and list2params() might be a bit faster, and support associative lists ;)

(although I don't think you can specify your own separator in them)
DivineTraveller wrote:
Just a few picky things, well, it's mostly all the same thing. You initialize variables after their declaration, but you initialize them to a static value anyway, so I don't see why you don't just initialize them where they're declared.

It's a matter of style, I think. I like to keep my declarations segregated and place the initialization closer to where they are used in the code. However, when functions are super-short, as these are, it wouldn't bother me to have it either way.

You could also make usage of the '.' variable here, such that:
> proc/joinlist(list/lst,sep as text)
> var
> i
> . = lst[1]
> for(i=2,i<=lst.len,i++)
> . = addtext(txt,sep,lst[i])

(Just modifying your example)

Thanks for the tip. :)

However, in my code, I am declaring the variable 'txt as text', which I am then returning. Therefore, the values in lst should only be text, as should the return value. It makes sense to me that the compiler/runtime should (does it?) toss an error if/when it determines that this is not the case.

edit: fix typo
Lewzer wrote:

However, in my code, I am declaring the variable 'txt as text', which I am then returning. Therefor, the values in lst should only be text, as should the return value. It makes sense to me that the compiler/runtime should (does it?) toss an error if/when it determines that this is not the case.

To be honest, I only use 'as blah' when I'm working with verbs. I don't really think DM pays attention to them anywhere else, though someone will probably correct me on that eventually.
DivineTraveller wrote:
To be honest, I only use 'as blah' when I'm working with verbs. I don't really think DM pays attention to them anywhere else, though someone will probably correct me on that eventually.

If you add said proc to a client's verbs list then 'as blah' will matter.
Metamorphman wrote:
DivineTraveller wrote:
To be honest, I only use 'as blah' when I'm working with verbs. I don't really think DM pays attention to them anywhere else, though someone will probably correct me on that eventually.

If you add said proc to a client's verbs list then 'as blah' will matter.

Then why bother not making it a verb in the first place?
DarkCampainger wrote:
The built-in params2list() and list2params() might be a bit faster, and support associative lists ;)

(although I don't think you can specify your own separator in them)

Everyone here is so helpful! :) Thank you. I'm new here, so the tips are appreciated.

Here are a couple of situations where I find these very convenient:

I'm using something very similar to this to implement "themes" in my game (this is just an example).

found = 0
path = "[O.type]"
found = 1
split = splittext(path, "/")
split.Remove(split.len) // remove last
path = joinlist(split, "/")

// ... do something more ... league with params2list.

pos; size

winparams = params2list(winget(src, "main_window", "pos;size"))

pos = splittext(winparams["pos"], ",")
xy = list(text2num(pos[1]),text2num(pos[2])

size = splittext(winparams["size"], "x")
wh = list(text2num(size[1]),text2num(size[2])

// ... jointext() them later?

DivineTraveller wrote:
Lewzer wrote:

However, in my code, I am declaring the variable 'txt as text', which I am then returning. Therefor, the values in lst should only be text, as should the return value. It makes sense to me that the compiler/runtime should (does it?) toss an error if/when it determines that this is not the case.

To be honest, I only use 'as blah' when I'm working with verbs. I don't really think DM pays attention to them anywhere else, though someone will probably correct me on that eventually.

Actually, you're right, mostly (I think)! This is mentioned in Lummox JR's post here, under the heading Not My Type. However, according to the help files, the istype() function does pay attention to the declared type. If I want to enforce the arguments to only be of type text, I still have to explicity check them.

Thanks for bringing this up!