Well, awhile back when I desided to troll through reviews I joined the Anime guild. Just now I recieved an alert that someone had commented on their page so I desided to check it out just for the sake of it. I've gotta say though, this game seems to actually stick out from the pack! Pokemon game..

Event: Open Testing
Game: Pokemon Z
Time: June 10,2010 12:30AM EST(Will be up 24/7)
link: byond://

So far it seems pretty awesome in comparison to a typical Anime game.. I'm actually kinda jellous of how nice it looks XD.
Thanks for the praise, hopefully you will stick around and give suggestions and bug reports on the forums ^_^
BxS0ldi3R wrote:
Thanks for the praise, hopefully you will stick around and give suggestions and bug reports on the forums ^_^

Maybe, although I'm somewhat ashamed to be playing an Anime game however I don't think I can help myself this time :p.
Lol. Such a follower, You offered to host for an anime game not to long ago, but whatever.

Before you say I don't know you or some other bullshit, This is an alt key.

Anyway, I've never tried this "Pokemon Z" but I'm really hating the look.
Unrelenting_Genesis wrote:
Lol. Such a follower, You offered to host for an anime game not to long ago, but whatever.

Before you say I don't know you or some other bullshit, This is an alt key.

Anyway, I've never tried this "Pokemon Z" but I'm really hating the look.

BxS0ldi3R wrote:
Unrelenting_Genesis wrote:
Lol. Such a follower, You offered to host for an anime game not to long ago, but whatever.

Before you say I don't know you or some other bullshit, This is an alt key.

Anyway, I've never tried this "Pokemon Z" but I'm really hating the look.


I don't like the whole isometric thing, It isn't the pixel art itself that makes me /rage/.

But I'll try it out tommorow.
Feels weird walking in an isometric environment, I really think Pikamon should have stopped after the 2nd gen.
PerfectGoku wrote:
Feels weird walking in an isometric environment

This was kind of why I don't play Isometric games.

I really think Pikamon should have stopped after the 2nd gen.

I'd have to utterly disagree with you thar.

PerfectGoku wrote:
Feels weird walking in an isometric environment, I really think Pikamon should have stopped after the 2nd gen.

Pokemon Red was perfect.
I liked Yellow personally.
Gold and Silver ftw.
151 and I'm done. No more, no less. Though Crystal looks cool, the evolution thing became so annoying.

Let me see, one of the evolution conditions in gen 3 or gen 4 worked like: Gain a level, while knowing [this specific attack] in [this specific place] at [day/night] time. Or something like that. And I'm all, "Wtf? That's way too many conditions to even bother trying!"

I can deal with stones and level evolution. Hell, day and night and happiness is fine. But when an evolution depends on whether or not a pokemon of a different species is in your party, I draw the line. >=(
PS. Pokemon was a video game before an anime series.
Calling it an anime gane is like calling all Final Fantasy games anime games.
The Magic Man wrote:
PS. Pokemon was a video game before an anime series.
Calling it an anime gane is like calling all Final Fantasy games anime games.

Final Fantasy sucks!
The Magic Man wrote:
PS. Pokemon was a video game before an anime series.
Calling it an anime gane is like calling all Final Fantasy games anime games.

Hahaha you would be the one to try and distinguish that.
I figured this post was about DBO II initially. Also, Final Fantasy doesn't suck, or they wouldn't have made ~30 of them. Also, Crystal was the best pokemonz game evar!

But since there was no link to the game in the above post I don't really care enough to search for it. :|
DivineTraveller wrote:
I figured this post was about DBO II initially. Also, Final Fantasy doesn't suck, or they wouldn't have made ~30 of them. Also, Crystal was the best pokemonz game evar!

But since there was no link to the game in the above post I don't really care enough to search for it. :|

The server link is right there, in plain sight.
Server is down temporarily, it should be up later today/tonight with the fix for that server crash bug.
Disturbed Puppy wrote:
DivineTraveller wrote:
I figured this post was about DBO II initially. Also, Final Fantasy doesn't suck, or they wouldn't have made ~30 of them. Also, Crystal was the best pokemonz game evar!

But since there was no link to the game in the above post I don't really care enough to search for it. :|

The server link is right there, in plain sight.

No, the hub link. I don't want to just click a random link because someone said it was great. I want to see for myself.
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