SilkWizard wrote:
If it's not worth your time to be a part of then don't make yourself a part of it.

This isn't worth my time. I've deleted the garbage. We're done. I gave you a well thought out essay and the problems I see in the windows key repeat being used in a game, yet you took bit and pieces out of it and worked your very hardest to rip me apart with out-of-context garbage that has nothing to do with the essay. Say what you will, I've gotten my point across and so have you. All you've done here is made yourself look like a troll.

F0lak wrote:
I must say I'm with Fugsnarf on this one. I've personally noticed this myself in a few projects I've done, but haven't been able to think up of a feasible way to work around it until you mentioned a while() loop. I guess until BYOND hits this nail on the head I'll just have to make do, eh?

Yeah, the while() loop movement is a perfect workaround, the only problem is that using while() loops consumes CPU. Using repeat doesn't.
Feel free to talk to me in the pager if you actually want to stop the argument and resolve the issue, Silkwizard. I find a real-time talk goes much better than arguing in comments like we've done here.
If loops weren't such a travesty to use widely in a BYOND game, in my opinion BYOND would be much stronger.

BYOND is capable of building great action games, its just that these systems are so costly because they require loops. If there was any way for a loop's cost to be reduced I would love this place to death.

But! I support this motion!
Fugsnarf wrote:
Feel free to talk to me in the pager if you actually want to stop the argument and resolve the issue, Silkwizard. I find a real-time talk goes much better than arguing in comments like we've done here.

Don't pretend that you're reasonable and open to discussion when you're not.

You've proven that you are incapable of defending your point of view. You failed to respond to anything I said. What's more, you deleted my replies to cover your ass (as well as most of the replies from other people who disagreed with you). The idea that I would give you the benefit of a real time conversation is laughable.

This was never about having a conversation with an equal, it was about tell yet another BYOND kiddie who hasn't developed anything that his statements about BYOND's software were completely off-base and ridiculous.
SilkWizard wrote:
You've proved that you are incapable of defending your point of view. You failed to respond to anything I said, and deleted my replies to cover your ass, as well as most of the replies from other people who disagreed with you. The idea that I would give you the benefit of a real time conversation is laughable.

I'm sorry you feel that way, because it's just not true. I deleted replies related to our stupid argument that carried on for far too long. I hoped you'd notice that I left the comments that were negative towards this article, including your original comment.

Fugsnarf you may as well close this or something. All that's going to happen here is pointless bickering. Any worthwhile discussion that may have occurred from this article has been lost due to the arguing.
Good point. What's done is done I suppose. I've gotten my point out and gotten the staff's attention. It's been open for discussion for awhile anyways. Comments are now closed whether you like it or not. If you want some civilized discussion, there's still the feature request I made.
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