I must say I'm with Fugsnarf on this one. I've personally noticed this myself in a few projects I've done, but haven't been able to think up of a feasible way to work around it until you mentioned a while() loop. I guess until BYOND hits this nail on the head I'll just have to make do, eh?
Yeah, the while() loop movement is a perfect workaround, the only problem is that using while() loops consumes CPU. Using repeat doesn't.
This isn't worth my time. I've deleted the garbage. We're done. I gave you a well thought out essay and the problems I see in the windows key repeat being used in a game, yet you took bit and pieces out of it and worked your very hardest to rip me apart with out-of-context garbage that has nothing to do with the essay. Say what you will, I've gotten my point across and so have you. All you've done here is made yourself look like a troll.