Dragonball Z: Immortal Damnation

by Aceraptor
Dragonball Z: Immortal Damnation
New Race Idea's

Ok so im back again with some all new cool ideas that im bound most of you players will love, so lets go and.

Pikkon( Not sure if spelt correctly)
OK now we all know this dude as the guy who fought Goku in the final's of the other world tournament where they both had some epic fights. apart form this his race is unknown but he is said to be the here of the east side of the galaxy while Goku is the west. He over by watching the episodes over along with the Movie Legend's reborn. i have come to the conclusion that he majors in speed and KI orientated attack's. whether or not i should make this race a permanent one is unclear but however im only thinking of one Transformation for him currently and this is somewhere along the lines of "Hero Mode" but if i was suppose to add more then it would be a non-Perm race. and his transformations would go along the lines of something like this: (Let's use the overall multi at the end x100 for all race's this is just an example)

Unlock Potential: Level:xxx Powerlevel:500,000 Multi: x25
Hero Mode: Level:xxx Powerlevel:1,000,000 Multi: x25
True Hero: Level:xxx Powerlevel:5,000,000 Multi: x25
Legendary Hero: Level:xxx Powerlevel:10,000,000Multi: x25
(Overall Multi x100) Balanced right?
Skills(what he specialize in)
Power level: Not a Major
KI: Major (gains faster KI)
STR: Major(Gains faster STR)
Def: Not a major
Ki def: Not a Major or average gains
Speed: X3 each transformation, total of 12 steps at the end of the transformations.

Half Demon's
OK now this is a one that i favour the most. It came to me when i was in game with Larvae and we both renamed our self to Dante(Larvae) Nero(me), and eventually it came to me since the game has a demon race why not make a Hybrid of them within the game. the thoughts for them is just endless. the Child of the Ultimate demon both human and Demon. Now i already have a base for them with the white hair, but it has on clothes and i am trying to find one without any details other than the hair and eyes(So if any of you have one that seems legit can you please send me the file. Now as for the race it self i was thinking they would be born Earth in some cast off place since no one wants them. shunned by man they grew to be angry and mercy-less killing all those who rejected them for their horns and blood red eyes. Now whether or not to make this race a perm race is confusing as with Pikkon. but if i should make it a perm race it would sport two transformations. Such as:

Devil Trigger: Requirements: 50 kills Level:xxx
Powerlevel: 100'000'000 Multi: x50(using the same multi example from above)in this mode some of their latent abilities are triggered engulfing them in a blue flame like aura with glowing blood thirsty eyes.

Chaotic Opening: Requirements: 150 kills and going through hell's gate Level:xxx Powerlevel:1'000'000'000 Multi: x50
In this mode their blue flames mix with the evil of Hell's Fire red flames causing them to give off a purple tint(purple represent chaos)aura. all demon powers are fully unlocked and they are still in control of their Human side Making them Highly Intelligent putting aside that bloodthirsty draw back which makes them think more battle efficient. the Hell's gate will be a gate in HFIL where only Half-Demons are able to go through to learn their true nature in order to transform they will need a hell fire located in through the hell's gate into the demon realm with that in their inventory they are able to transformation from into their last perm transformation after that the flame will disappear and the transformation is now 100% fully theirs anywhere they are.

OK now this is basically just like any other race with 4-5 transformations all still using the same x100 multi final example.

Inner Demon: Level:xxx Powerlevel: 100'000 Multi: x25
Demonic Will:Level:xxx Powerlevel: 500'000 multi: x25
Devil Trigger: Level:xxx Powerlevel: 1'000'000 Multi x25
Chaos Mode: Level:xxx Powerlevel: 10'000'000'000 multi x25

WE could keep his as a non-perm race but his last transformation will be granted by Lucifer after going into the demon realm through hell's gate in HFIL. basically with this way Half-Demons are now basically like Half-Saiyans. except there first transformations are no way as weak as the half Saiyans who totally depend on mystic.(Gohan was no where near weak while in ssj or ssj2 while fighting cell i dont get why their transformation multis are so low and i think that should be changed) their transformations will still be that of normal transformations and their mystic will be just as strong as all of the races and transformation multi.E.G

Inner Demon: Level:xxx Powerlevel: 100'000 Multi: x25
Demonic Will:Level:xxx Powerlevel: 500'000 multi: x25
Devil Trigger: Level:xxx Powerlevel: 1'000'000 Multi x25
Chaos Mode: Level:xxx Powerlevel: 10'000'000'000 multi x25 Requirements: MUST HAVE 100% evil karma, and must talk to Lucifer after entering hell's gate. just like mystic this will take a process of 45 minutes to be completed.


Power-level: Average
KI: All demons are great manipulator of KI(Major stat what they specialize in)
Ki-Def:(NOT Major)
Str: Major- got this from their human half
Def: Not A major

Regeneration- yup this is not making them O.P remember this idea i thought of kinda takes off a little of devil may cry series so i wont say instant or hi Speed regeneration but Mostly Ki attacks are what's going to kill this race. then again most race's on the game specialize in KI so changeling might cause this race big problems.

Train- Due to their Out cast they were raised by them selves and their guardian "Demon Keeper Npc" in the wild so had to fend for them selves most times: so they specialize in training as well.

Demon Keeper N.P.C
This is one guy who never treated the demon children like an out cast and begged for their mercy as an final act he was banished with them from the village he and the outcast manage to set up a village off in the mountains where out cast demon children were welcomed where he trained them t manipulate KI. and warrior like abilities
1) Demons sword- this move is where the demons learn how to manipulate Ki to form a sword for their own benifits

2) Demon Wave: A high intense piercing beam thats very fast.

Hell's gate
This is a gate in H.F.I.L only available for the half demons who think they are ready to realize their true purpose to bring hell to earth. after entering through this gate a half demon will never be the same before again.

THANKS AGAIN FOR READING I WILL post more later until then enjoy the rest of your day :D

IGN: Nero(Currently)
Key: Lordkira442/Skylightk

Plz make this idea come to life it's a good one that i know has alot of potential thanks again