Post your comments here!
Yoh, are you a pixel artist? :p
(Saw your guild picture thingy) ^_^
Asakuraboy wrote:
Yoh, are you a pixel artist? :p
(Saw your guild picture thingy) ^_^

Rasengan84 wrote:
Asakuraboy wrote:
Yoh, are you a pixel artist? :p
(Saw your guild picture thingy) ^_^


Don't suppose you're looking for work?
Asakuraboy wrote:
Don't suppose you're looking for work?

As a matter of fact I am.
Rasengan84 wrote:
Asakuraboy wrote:
Don't suppose you're looking for work?

As a matter of fact I am.

Full metal alchemist game? ;]
Edit - Forgot to mention, most base programming is done, Zett donated some old icons, and I've made some, but I despise iconning, and i'm bad xD
3oo4 rules!!!
Asakuraboy wrote:
Full metal alchemist game? ;]
Edit - Forgot to mention, most base programming is done, Zett donated some old icons, and I've made some, but I despise iconning, and i'm bad xD

Sure, lol.
Rasengan84 wrote:
Asakuraboy wrote:
Full metal alchemist game? ;]
Edit - Forgot to mention, most base programming is done, Zett donated some old icons, and I've made some, but I despise iconning, and i'm bad xD

Sure, lol.

Supremely pwnsome.

Add me on msn, and i'll show ya what we got so far :]

Msn - [email protected]
im looking for a graphic artist
and some gfx
my msns [email protected]
Please unban me and retire my of tthe ban list. I need play this game again please please please.
my key is ygorlino.i was banished because ofone hacker
Please, Unbanned me im ''*The Spectral Shadow Phamton'', My key is ''ShadowHatter'', Hitru banned me... ¿Why?, He said, - You do Void Training. And me only im between the Void Dweller and Kill the Users, When exit of the Jail, That isn't void Training, Is injust, More thanks, Youko. ;)
Youko, You can unbanned me please, My key is; ShadowHatter
lol. "No Solicitors"