Keywords: game, pokemon
Ive been having computer problems off and on since December when my Hard Drive crashed and I lost all my byond files.

I am starting from scratch on a new game, but it is only in Pre-Alpha at the moment. I am making my own graphics for some of it and at some point may need a few people to help out. Im sure Pokemon fans will enjoy this new game when Im ready to host a test server.

Hopefully I wont have any more computer issues, so check here every so often and maybe Ill answer a few questions about the game. ;)

I don't have a pc atm neither hehe.
Nice to see you back around.
You're one of the four people I idolized when I was new to BYOND.

(You, Quiet Screams, ElementalHeroCreator, and Wolfen)

Anyway, I would gladly help you with any programming you need done.
Thanks. ^_^ it is taking a while to finish a lot of the game.. Enough to actually have a working demo with. lol.. I have a lot to do. X_X

At the moment, you will only see the first 2 windows if you run the game.. (pretty dull w/o a map.. lol!) So I havent released it yet.

I have been working on a lot of graphics and the basic framework code. A few things I have worked on so far are:

-Re-colored and iconed Bublasaur, Charmander, Squirtle, and Caterpie overworlds w/ their evolutions.
-2 New Trainers Iconed
-Main Verbs and Admin Controls
-New Turf Icons and Coding
-Login Code (Some.. still tweaking)

I have also done some other work, but I dont want to mention it yet, as it may ruin the storyline and basic idea of the game. I hope I can release a demo soon. XD Just gota work on it a lot..