Allow users to add their Pager Friends to certain categories, so they can send mass pages to certain groups with ease, quickly and easily find out who from each group is online, and be able to find a certain user easier.
Friends -
IainPeregrine [artemis]
DivineTraveller [online]
Kai [Hazordhu II]
People To Spam -
Oronar [Chatters]
Nadrew [online]
Tekken [away]
Jun 1 2010, 7:50 pm (Edited on Jun 1 2010, 8:15 pm)
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Could it automatically sort watchers somehow? I have like 200 watchers, but only 2 people on my list. So for now I just have watchers turned completely off.
Maybe a default grouping for watchers, and then anyone you want to move to another group you would have to add to your pager first.
this would be a good feature to have, i can definitely see it being useful for grouping other developers/teams, artists, programmers etc.
Indeed this would be helpful. The pager is the only IM program I use, so any features that make using it easier are appreciated.
I would love some upgrades to the pager. The fact that using it is a member's perk alone should be reason enough to make it a little easier to deal with.
Falacy wrote:
Could it automatically sort watchers somehow? I have like 200 watchers, but only 2 people on my list. So for now I just have watchers turned completely off. Ya havez me rigghtt? :( Anyway, i support this. :P |
I like the idea of grouping, but I'm not so much on board with making mass-pages easier than they already are. It would however give users a clear cue about who doesn't want mass pages, since some yahoo inviting me into a DBZ game and getting my standard reply ("Don't send page-alls") could just stick me into a special group.
We want to do more work with the pager soon so this is something we can look at. |
Lummox JR wrote:
since some yahoo inviting me into a DBZ game and getting my standard reply ("Don't send page-alls") lol what else is the pager for? Communication wise, its far too slow and clunky to use for an actual conversation, its like 1on1 temporary forums. Following games, checking what games other people are in, and inviting people to the games that you're in is about all its good for. |
Lummox JR wrote:
It would however give users a clear cue about who doesn't want mass pages On this note, could we have a setting where we don't accept pages from watchers? I keep getting mass pages from people I don't know who can page me simply for having a membership. Personally, I use my pager simply for contacting people as an alternative to MSN, since not everyone has that. Most of the pages I get from watchers are from either people asking me redundant questions, or mass pages advertising games to me. I have several more message filter ideas, if you'd like to hear them. Unsure of if I should post them in reply to this, or on a separate tracker. | DreamMakers?command=view_tracker_issue&tracker_issue=1433
by having a check box to 'Disallow Pages sent to Groups'