I was planning on putting a few finishing touches on my project today but, in some fairly auspicious timing, the game which inspired me to model it was vandalized. That's just disruptive enough as to take a fellow who was already having a hard time motivating himself and put him thoroughly off bothering to continue. At the very least, it's an opportune excuse.
So, instead, I'm just putting up what I have. As I still feel something is missing, I'm referring to it as "Mech Game Framework." After all, often a game is judged by perspective framed by its description, and I'd hate for any potential future employers to look at this and think I thought it was reflective of what I find a complete game to be.
My original goals were reasonably well met:
- DONE: The server will run through timed scenarios between 30-60 minutes, generating a new map between each scenario.
- NOT DONE: Players will have a save game file so they can take their progress between servers.
- DONE: The main focus of the gameplay will be digging, recovering ore, and returning it to your faction.
- NOT DONE: It will be a somewhat "action" game as other players may attempt to hinder you.
- DONE: Instead of choosing from different alien races with different stats, players will choose between different mecha chassis which have different customization capabilities.
- DONE: Instead of purchasing equipment on-map from an equipment vending machine, players will spend their earned credits in an off-map mecha customization screen.
- DONE: Instead of having one-use items that cost cash, the different parts you outfit your mecha in will have varying energy costs to use, and your mecha will perpetually regenerate energy.
- DONE: Moves are queued in advance. You can see your queued moves.
- NOT DONE: greater emphasis on passive defenses and other player-placed devices.
- DONE (but not elegantly): I will not have that really cool custom HUD Leftrey had, but the 4.0x skins should make up for that.
- NOT DONE: There will be an AI opponent available to entertain the player(s) for when there's not many opposing players online.