Player vs. Player is my personal favorite part of any online game. One of my biggest pet-peeves in certain online games is the inability to attack someone anytime, anywhere. This won't be an issue in Acheron's Awakening.

The PvP systems in AA is very similar to that of Diablo. By default your attacks don't hit or damage other players. In order to fight people, you must declare hostility on them. This can be done face-to-face through the player interaction menu, or through the World Players HUD (which is basically a graphical "Who" function).

Silk Wizard is currently hostile with Hamlet, but is on good terms with every other player logged in. Clicking on the sword button next to a player's name allows you to declare hostility or ask for a truce.

Declaring hostitliy on another player will automatically make them hostile towards you. To end this hostility, both players must agree upon a truce.

Players will be able to fight each other anytime, anywhere. Starting a brawl in the village won't be the greatest idea, as the town guards will be all over you before you can blink. Low level players will be protected in that other players can't declare hostility on them until they are level 5 or above.

Player interaction is going to be integral to Acheron's Awakening, which is why it is important to have this type of PvP system.
Is there any difference from dying to a person instead of a monster?
I like the PK system, that means people wont just always randomly attack people, especally in town.

Kinda of like a mud, as the recall spot has a guard that protects everyone.

Is there any difference from dying to a person instead of a monster?

The only difference will be that you drop some sort of token to show that player's victory over you. Diablo used Ears... Acheron's Awakening will use something else.

Your pressure blast deals 58 damage to Jon.
You have killed Jon!
You have obtained a Jon's Ass.

Edit: will PvP done outside of towns not be recognized at all, such that angry people can mass-kill someone they hate the moment they leave town, to prevent them from ever enjoying the game?
What sort of system is in place to prevent a level 100 for example spending their entire time hunting down level 6's to kill, thereby ruining the game experience for those level 6 players?
I bet Silk will follow in Blizzard's footsteps with the dishonorable kills system, eventually having the (presumably) one and only town outlawing that mass-killer so that they get attacked by uber guards if they try and get in town to do anything.
If the guards are anything like on MJ, then if you get strong enough, you can slice through guards like a piece of stinky cheese.
I can 100% guarantee you that absolutely nothing having to do with this game is comparable with games like Mystic Journey.

A level 50 guard would be just as powerful as a base level 50 character, with an intuitive and reactionary AI. They won't be easily dispatched. A character with a diversity of spells and skills and good armor wouldn't be necessarily at a disadvantage against a guard like this, they're meant for players to be able to kill them...but it won't be a walk in the park. least that's what I was led to believe. I can't say anything for sure until I see the finished product or Silk confirms it lol
Will i be able to burn down towns and take over kingdoms and all of that awesome stuff?

Oh and will there be a level cap..
There are some minimal safeguards to prevent the griefing of lower level players, and there will be no "dishonorable kills". Most of the responsiblity for policing the island will fall upon the reigning guild. If that guild isn't doing a good job, then the players can always overthrow them.

As far as the town guards go; they definitely won't be pushovers. Jared's description is pretty accurate.

And yes, there is a level cap. Despite what DBZers might tell you, a level cap is a good thing.
And yes, there is a level cap. Despite what DBZers might tell you, a level cap is a good thing.

I always want to get stronger, that's why i kinda hate level caps, it depends on how hard it is to level.
Most of the responsiblity for policing the island will fall upon the reigning guild. If that guild isn't doing a good job, then the players can always overthrow them.

oh, great. let's put players in charge of preventing players from doing dumb and annoying things. i can't see a single problem there.

the problem is that the more powerful players could ruin the game for lower level players. since they are more powerful, overthrowing them isn't really an option.
You know what I enjoued in MUDS? They had a level cap of like 200. But then you could "retort". You would start back at level 1, with all your equipment and money.

You could then re-level up to level 200, but now its harder then before to level up, but you get better bonues.

As you retort more and more, you will start to unlock special classes and stuff for the one you orginally started with.
the problem is that the more powerful players could ruin the game for lower level players. since they are more powerful, overthrowing them isn't really an option.

With the system that I have in place, this won't be an issue. I don't really feel like explaining it, but trust me when I say that after putting all of this work into AA, I'm not about to let something like that ruin it.
Silk when are you goin to let ppl test this game?