Keywords: gaming, idlerpg, rpg
Well I got big things planned for Idle RPG. I just have to put them in the works. Currently I am packing my stuff up cause we have to move and stuff. I will be handing over the hosting files and what not to a friend of mine to host for me till I can get everything settled.

Further note I had to disable quests yet again. I have them bugged and I know why I just have to fix it. The feel of Idle RPG is getting closer and closer. Its almost complete. I have some more codeing to do to it then a lot of things will be put into place.

Also new features to Idle RPG will be put into place. Acts of God and so forth will happen at random. Monster fighting and what not. Also player battles will be reintroduced into the game soon. Right now i'm mainly focused on the main features of the game before I do anything BIG to the game.

Theres a lot to be done still but its getting there. I hope everyone is enjoying Idle RPG. If you have any questions on what is going to do what in the game feel free to ask me either via game or add me to your pager and send a message there. I am open to all questions and so forth.